Some interpret this blood work for me?

you just cant leave me alone can you? and you say Im the one who is gay... lol a woody to rub out... bitch

No, I never leave stupid trolls alone.

BTW, if you're gonna go "rub one out," you might need these, TwinkNuts. [:o)]


Let's examine these posts, shall we? In the first post you tell the OP as "long as your gfr stays above 60 i think it is, you should be fine" and that "It's the AAS and supplements doing that to your levels." You then tell OP that "The only thing I see that needs addressing is your protein intake."

That seems pretty clear. However between that post and the next one, Dr Jim posted and shortly thereafter, your "advice" mysteriously took a dramatic turn. see below

Now you tell the OP "If you continue taking AAS and not treating high bp, you will blow your kidneys" (there's that fixation on gay sex again) and that "At 23, you shouldnt be anywhere near this stage of kidney function."

Now, that's quite a turn there, TwinkNuts. It's no surprise though. I always knew you were just a big mouth punk that hands out BS medical advice you parroted from somebody else - and now you've proven me right. Again.

Yes, because you're qualified to know he's "mistaken on this one," right? Fuck off troll, you've been exposed. You're an idiot.

But do have a real nice day.


Are you going to ruin everyones thread trying to cyber stalk me? Nice member you are. Carry on... I'll be in the next thread.
Let's examine these posts, shall we? In the first post you tell the OP as "long as your gfr stays above 60 i think it is, you should be fine" and that "It's the AAS and supplements doing that to your levels." You then tell OP that "The only thing I see that needs addressing is your protein intake."

That seems pretty clear. However between that post and the next one, Dr Jim posted and shortly thereafter, your "advice" mysteriously took a dramatic turn. see below

Are you going to ruin everyones thread trying to cyber stalk me? Nice member you are. Carry on... I'll be in the next thread.

You already quoted this post, NumbNuts. You're starting to repeat yourself now. Might want to lay of the crack pipe for a while.
No, I never leave stupid trolls alone.

BTW, if you're gonna go "rub one out," you might need these, TwinkNuts. [:o)]



you admit to being a stalker.. nice. I bet the police would like to know that. You ex's have restraining orders against you... this would be excellent evidence against you. Keep going..... I love printscreen.
you admit to being a stalker.. nice. I bet the police would like to know that. You ex's have restraining orders against you... this would be excellent evidence against you. Keep going..... I love printscreen.

Print away, troll. You think I'm scared of a little sissy punk like you? [:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)][:o)]
You claim not to have high blood pressue, but I'm willing to bet that isnt true. If you continue taking AAS and not treating high bp, you will blow your kidneys.
so, while I say dont dont panic.. I do say get that under control or you will be in trouble.
At 23, you shouldnt be anywhere near this stage of kidney function. Yes, dehydration can affect your gfr. It can effect you BUN levels and it can absolutely effect you Creatinine levels. Dont believe me, go to webmd and check it out yourself.
"Creatinine clearance test
A creatinine clearance test measures how well creatinine is removed from your blood by your kidneys. A creatinine clearance test gives better information than a blood creatinine test on how well your kidneys are working. A creatinine clearance test is done on both a blood sample and on a sample of urine collected over 24 hours (24-hour urine sample).

Blood urea nitrogen-to-creatinine ratio (BUN:creatinine)
The levels of blood creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) can be used to find the BUN-to-creatinine ratio. A BUN-to-creatinine ratio can help your doctor check for problems, such as dehydration, that may cause abnormal BUN and creatinine levels."

I dont know why Jim said no.. but he is definately mistaken on this one.
Best thing to do is ask your doctor for the 24hour urine test. This is much more accurate testing.

Unless the dehydration is SO severe the patient's in the early stages of shock it's effect on Creatnine is MINIMAL while it's effects on BUN may be significant (the ratio IS 10:1 !) That's why the BUN Creatnine ratio is often used to differentiate between the two entities (dehydration vs renal disease)

Furthermore if you bothered to LOOK the OPs BUN was normal. Now with a Creat of 1.3 and a history of it being 1.5 earlier, "dehydration" is NOT the causation fella and I'm not going to pacify the OPs concerns by stating it's a possibility when it's clearly NOT. You can LOOK that up on Meb MD also!

The creatnine clearance assay you apparently just discovered may be estimated using several methods such as the Crockoft -Gault formula (making "24 hour urine collection" a relatively antiquated). The normal is above 120ml/min

The point is once someone's Creatnine approaches 1.5 intrinsic renal disease becomes HIGHLY likely since for an average 70kg male the GFR is now LESS THAN 80ml/min!! GOT IT.

Now that means 33% of someone's renal function is LOST and that doesn't occur from eating to much protein or thru people feeling they are "dehydrated".

Incidentally 1gm of protein is more than adequate for ANY BB and to suggest 1.5 grams is even "better" is utter nonsense and is NOT supported THE LITERATURE, whatsoever EXCEPT on forums where people like you visit Tin Man.

Lastly to suggest or strongly assert the OP must have an elevated BP because his creatnine is elevated tells me about how narrow your reasoning and differential diagnosis is for someone with an elevated creatnine!

I said what I said because I've been practicing medicine for over twenty years, and yourself, what science degree do you have, if you have one, NOT

But Tin Man enlighten me! What's the next step when ("the test you suggest his Dr perform LMAO") the OPs creatnine clearance is noted to be less than normal, and it quite likely WILL BE, LOL!

Personally I suggest you spend a lifetime on Web MD before you contradict me again fool![:o)]
People like you invite adversarial confrontations they post opinions they no nothing about and question those who do.

It's unfortunate but Clowns like you roll into Meso about once every two months.

What's fortunate for the majority, their stay is brief having not received the attention they so desperately needed but rather made enough enemies for a fife time.

So like those other boards you won't fit in here either, so leave now and spare yourself the embarrassment, that's coming.