Some PCT help


New Member
so this question is strictly for a friend, I've never taken HCG so I couldn't give him an answer.
He's coming off a 12 week Test E/deca cycle, taking 12.5mg aromasin ed.
He has one more shot left (this Thursday July 7th) and he was wondering if he should take HCG for the 2 weeks before he starts pct? And how much he should approximately take.
Thanks in advance for the help, I see a lot of contradicting information about the use of HCG while coming off cycle.

He's going to use the typical clomid/nolva pct, and keep aromasin 12.5 ed since he has extra. I believe he said he's also going to take a natural test booster while he's PCT, and off cycle.

Again, this isn't a question for me. I'm currently off cycle, and waiting 4-6 more weeks to start my first Tren cycle.
so this question is strictly for a friend, I've never taken HCG so I couldn't give him an answer.
He's coming off a 12 week Test E/deca cycle, taking 12.5mg aromasin ed.
He has one more shot left (this Thursday July 7th) and he was wondering if he should take HCG for the 2 weeks before he starts pct? And how much he should approximately take.
Thanks in advance for the help, I see a lot of contradicting information about the use of HCG while coming off cycle.

He's going to use the typical clomid/nolva pct, and keep aromasin 12.5 ed since he has extra. I believe he said he's also going to take a natural test booster while he's PCT, and off cycle.

Again, this isn't a question for me. I'm currently off cycle, and waiting 4-6 more weeks to start my first Tren cycle.

Then have him register like everyone else and pose HIS questions, rather than using third party communication, which invites MISCOMMUNICATION
Trust me, I've tried.. He thinks it's retarded.
So I figured I'd try and help him. But hey, he can't say I didn't try! Lol
Trust me, I've tried.. He thinks it's retarded.
So I figured I'd try and help him. But hey, he can't say I didn't try! Lol

Hey haven't you heard you cant help those who don't want or believe they need help! And i've other things to do, like assist those who want help.

It's for sure for a friend lol. Reason why I'm not so worried about it, I've done my research and if I was really that big in need id message Dr. Jim and do whatever is necessary to make sure my body is okay.