sorry for the repeat supplier question. can you help?

How much can I run if my TRT is 200. seems like a found a supplier ... for now ;)
theres no blanket answer for this you should know this.
tritrate up each 2 months with 100mg to find your ceiling where E2 gets the better of you and it gets unmanageable
Thanks super valuable. I am picking up the trend. All loved suppliers are loved suppliers until they are not. then they fix it or become ghosts and start the scam again.
It's a deep, dark, and constantly evolving rabbit hole when it comes to supply of Test or anything else in this racket I have found. But the investigative process is ultimately a very rewarding one because if you conduct relevant searches here on Meso you are going to come across countless people in the same boat and be able to read that feedback and adjust accordingly. So yeah, lots of reading in your future.

I have only gotten really taken once so far, but my next ass pounding on supplier is just over the next horizon like everyone else. Everything is cool until it's not. The silver lining is supply will never be cut off entirely. No way in hell. People who are into this lifestyle are an awfully fucking resourceful bunch I find.
i think you should just keep it simple and add an oral to your TRT
since you just want a little boost in the gym and not too serious.

if i were you i would do 50mg anadrol for 4 weeks, then 75mg anadrol for 4 weeks, as long as you can mitigate the BP increase

or you can do anavar or even dianabol if you can tolerate the estrogen