@Mezzano - Bud your entitled to your own opinion. I’ve read through anabolichut’s posts/history and to be quite honest, I am rather embarrassed that he was trying to rep some of the brands that I carry. He wasn’t capable of forming coherent sentences and couldn’t articulate any of his arguments properly. It’s comical to me that someone would think him and I are the same. Lastly, I am first and foremost, a HG vendor - by HG I mean products obtained strictly through a Canadian Pharmacy via prescription. Last I checked, the Anabolichut fellow did not have a single Canadian Pharmacy product.
@Vikingiron - I am a Canadian vendor first and foremost. No one in Canada is providing Canadian Pharmacy Arimidex, Aromasin, etc at the prices that I am. There are a few guys (MG and Pro-Roid) and guess the price on their Aromasin? $125. Arimidex? $140. Some products like Metformin, Raloxifene, etc that I have are not available in Canada PERIOD, so I am the only one supplying those. So I am by FAR the cheapest in Canada, and I have products that no one else has. The US guys can shop with me if they’d like and if they have cheaper alternatives, then by all means.
In Canada 99% of everyone orders domestic. Our customs is not like US. No international source offers re-ships to Canada.