Spiral of Denial: Muscle Doping in American Football by Matt Chaney


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http://www.mesomorphosis.com/products/index.php/muscle-doping-in-american-football (Spiral of Denial) is a book on history and consequences of tissue-building substances in American football, 1950s to 2000s. Compelling story details players' use of drugs such as anabolic steroids and growth hormone, along with the failure of conventional prevention in urinalysis testing. History includes doping in all levels of football, professional, collegiate, and high school. Personal stories of users and other witnesses enrich fascinating survey of problem. Sustaining forces are identified and discussed in cultural realms of economy, social structure and ethos. Author Matt Chaney recounts personal experiences in college football as a steroid-using player and a perpetrator coach, followed by his decades of writing on the problem. Chaney recommends The Courson Plan for prevention, the instituting of size limits for football players based on the Body Mass Index. Book is 480 pages, with References.