SS-31 experience


Started SS-31 a week ago and results are mixed. First, I got pretty itchy and tingling lips the first time I dosed but no rash or anything. Started at 2.5mg which is low but I figured my immune system may need to ramp up slowly. I’m up to 3mg, and still get itchy, especially my feet which is weird. I also feel like I have the flu, body aches and exhaustion. My workouts have been pretty poor on the effort side and I am not wanting to get out of bed in the mornings. Just crummy overall and I had been feeling amazing prior to starting. Feel like this could be a detox situation and will continue on for at least another week. I’ve read most don’t feel anything until at least 4mg and most need 20-40mg’s daily. On the plus side, I have been losing weight at a more normal pace than before starting.

Just wanted to provide data points as there isn’t a ton about this one. Plan is to follow up with Mots-c next.
Started SS-31 a week ago and results are mixed. First, I got pretty itchy and tingling lips the first time I dosed but no rash or anything. Started at 2.5mg which is low but I figured my immune system may need to ramp up slowly. I’m up to 3mg, and still get itchy, especially my feet which is weird. I also feel like I have the flu, body aches and exhaustion. My workouts have been pretty poor on the effort side and I am not wanting to get out of bed in the mornings. Just crummy overall and I had been feeling amazing prior to starting. Feel like this could be a detox situation and will continue on for at least another week. I’ve read most don’t feel anything until at least 4mg and most need 20-40mg’s daily. On the plus side, I have been losing weight at a more normal pace than before starting.

Just wanted to provide data points as there isn’t a ton about this one. Plan is to follow up with Mots-c next.
How long do you plan on running it for?

My understanding is SS-31 is the “engine” and mots-c is nitro for the engine basically. Where I think you can mots - c longer and Ss-31 is kind of a jump start. Although I could be wrong.
How long do you plan on running it for?

My understanding is SS-31 is the “engine” and mots-c is nitro for the engine basically. Where I think you can mots - c longer and Ss-31 is kind of a jump start. Although I could be wrong.
Plan is 30 days which is what I’ve seen as the most common recommendation. Seeing how I am responding I may adjust and not sure if I will take a break and not do mots-c yet but do another round of SS-31. Just depends on how things go. Really hoping I start feeling better as this sucks.
Plan is 30 days which is what I’ve seen as the most common recommendation. Seeing how I am responding I may adjust and not sure if I will take a break and not do mots-c yet but do another round of SS-31. Just depends on how things go. Really hoping I start feeling better as this sucks.
I’ve dabbled in mots c and I do think it gives a little boost. Haven’t pulled the trigger on ordering SS-31 because honestly I’m not quite sure how much I’d need because it can be pricy. Hate to short change myself and not get enough of it.
I’ve dabbled in mots c and I do think it gives a little boost. Haven’t pulled the trigger on ordering SS-31 because honestly I’m not quite sure how much I’d need because it can be pricy. Hate to short change myself and not get enough of it.
Yea I completely get that, it is a risk buying something you have no idea if you even need. I was pretty sure I needed this one for damage repair. Just wasn’t sure it would work but I get the differing opinions on it as some people don’t need it at all.
Seven doses in and I’ve started feeling better the last few days. Still at 3mg and will start to move up but not planning on going beyond 5mg this round. I will say this has had a major impact on the scale for me as I am typically a micro loser or not losing anything at all which is why I wanted to try SS-31 to begin with. In the week I started I’ve lost 5lbs which obviously is some inflammation I’ve been holding.

Right now the plan is to finish my 30 days, take a break or maybe do mots-c and then do another round of SS-31. I know I am going back on glow in March or April so I will work around that.
Seven doses in and I’ve started feeling better the last few days. Still at 3mg and will start to move up but not planning on going beyond 5mg this round. I will say this has had a major impact on the scale for me as I am typically a micro loser or not losing anything at all which is why I wanted to try SS-31 to begin with. In the week I started I’ve lost 5lbs which obviously is some inflammation I’ve been holding.

Right now the plan is to finish my 30 days, take a break or maybe do mots-c and then do another round of SS-31. I know I am going back on glow in March or April so I will work around that.
Be interested in hearing how Mots c will do after for you. Apparently it’s “better” after a SS-31 run. I personally like mots c I think it gives a little boost. I do think age might have a factor in mitochondria damage among many other things.

Making me want to get a kit of SS-31 more.
Be interested in hearing how Mots c will do after for you. Apparently it’s “better” after a SS-31 run. I personally like mots c I think it gives a little boost. I do think age might have a factor in mitochondria damage among many other things.

Making me want to get a kit of SS-31 more.
I’m 48F and have had some major illnesses that put my whole system in a bad way. I’ve made some posts on it so won’t go into detail here. Chatgbt and I have been digging deep into what is going on. When I say that it also means I’ve spent hours and hours reading research papers and studies, I use ai as a tool not the answer key.

Before starting SS-31 I was feeling better than I had in years. More energy, great workouts and solid sleep. So all my protocols had really helped. The thing was I still couldn’t lose anything weight so I knew something still wasn’t right. It kind of sucks to not be feeling as good as I had been but I feel like I am headed back there now.

Oh, side note. I feel like a fucking ice cube most of the day. GLP’s have always made me cold but this is a whole new level of cold. As I’ve read up on that I guess it can be related to your system coming back on line but not knowing where proper setting is. Obviously not the technical terms.
Oh, side note. I feel like a fucking ice cube most of the day. GLP’s have always made me cold but this is a whole new level of cold. As I’ve read up on that I guess it can be related to your system coming back on line but not knowing where proper setting is. Obviously not the technical terms.
Makes sense as it’s the “power house” of the body. In charge of a lot of things in the body. Honestly makes total sense kind of a “feels” report really, which I support. There isn’t a lot of information on SS-31 by any means. I’ve looked a little bit all pretty much rinse and repeat information for the most part. Eventually more people will try it. I think price is the biggest thing holding people back because it’s an unknown if it works, how it works and everything in between.
I've run ss-31...I think was up to 6 mg daily for at least 4 weeks

Never really felt anything though did have some weight drop off effortlessly (don't know if it was truly the SS-31 or not)

Probably gonna do another round in the next few months but undecided.
Thanks for the data points as I agree there is definitely a scarcity of info.

Curious if you are filtering the peptide? I have some filters now for the next time i run it but definitely didn't filter previously.
I've run ss-31...I think was up to 6 mg daily for at least 4 weeks

Never really felt anything though did have some weight drop off effortlessly (don't know if it was truly the SS-31 or not)

Probably gonna do another round in the next few months but undecided.
Thanks for the data points as I agree there is definitely a scarcity of info.

Curious if you are filtering the peptide? I have some filters now for the next time i run it but definitely didn't filter previously.
Have you ever ran mots-c after or before your SS-31 run? The theory is SS-31 is the engine and mots C is like nitrous for the engine.

I personally do not filter peptides or anything (sorry @Ghoul) but lot including Ghoul do and swear by it and of course recommend it.
I've run ss-31...I think was up to 6 mg daily for at least 4 weeks

Never really felt anything though did have some weight drop off effortlessly (don't know if it was truly the SS-31 or not)

Probably gonna do another round in the next few months but undecided.
Thanks for the data points as I agree there is definitely a scarcity of info.

Curious if you are filtering the peptide? I have some filters now for the next time i run it but definitely didn't filter previously.

Certainly won't hurt to filter. Jano has said he's found more unsterile peptides than oils. To put your mind at more ease, a .2um filter will pass proteins up to 200,000 daltons in size. SS-31 is 640 daltons.

You'll eliminate any bacteria, any large aggregates that may have formed, and the particulate matter (glass, fibers, rubber) commonly found in cheap vials.

Every major biotech company that manufactures peptides notes you can filter at .2um if desired.

Have you ever ran mots-c after or before your SS-31 run? The theory is SS-31 is the engine and mots C is like nitrous for the engine.

I personally do not filter peptides or anything (sorry @Ghoul) but lot including Ghoul do and swear by it and of course recommend it.
I did things kinda backwards (before I understood the mitochondrial peptides better)

I ran MOTS-C (would have to review protocol but I think was like 5 mg M-W-F for several weeks).

I then realize I was supposed to run SS-31 first so I did.

I then realized it was theorized that running something like FOXO4-DRI or Humanin would be optimal before starting either SS-31 or MOTS-c (with the goal of removing senescent cells)

There is very little data on FOXO4-DRI. I ended up running a protocol that was just "guesswork" for about 2 weeks. During this time,.I checked some lab work which turned out to be "weird" so I stopped all peptides.

I don't know that I can blame the FOXO4-DRI. I still have some of all 3.(FOXO4-DRI, SS-31,.MOTSc) so considering running all 3 again in near future.
Yeah, I was partially curious due to the itchy reaction sides Here2Learn mentioned.

I am curious if those were due to some therapeutic aspects of the peptides...OR would those sides have been prevented by filtering? Who knows.

If it's the result of an immune reaction, filtering could help.

The immune system responds more strongly to protein aggregates, so removing those, if present, will lessen the reasonse.

Also, general particulate garbage, draws the immune system's attention. Something like the tiny 4 amino SS-31 peptide that would usually slip by unnoticed, would happen to be in the same vicinity of the immune system responding to some much larger particulate, and now the immune system notices SS-31 and goes on the hunt for it systemically.

When pharma engineers a vaccine peptide that that doesn't draw a strong immune response, they'll intentionally include particulates of some "garbage", that will bring the immune system into the same area the vaccine peptide is. Thats what "spike vaccines" are doing. The spikes attach the peptides to particulates to enhance the immune response.

So. again, filtering will eliminate particulate contamination and reduce the immune response.

This could be important over time, since you wouldn't want to inadvertently train your immune system to recognize a useful compound like SS-31 as an invader, and develop the ability to quickly eliminate it. In other words, keep the immune response to a minimum to avoid the possibility of "immunizing" yourself against it.
Update 12 days in.

Stopped having the histamine response, still get itchy at the injection site but very minor. Still taking 1/2 an allergy pill but have lowered my TA-1 back to every 3 days. Still doing KPV/Reta as well.

Today was my first solid workout since starting SS-31. I’m not feeling as tired and no body aches. I am up to 6mg daily. I am not having major inflammation flare ups.

Scale is still moving downward at a consistent rate so this has been a major win there as it hadn’t been.