Stanford Pharma Labs


New Member
A bit late posting these. Have been running Stanford Test E 250 since May. At the time of this bloodwork I was running 500 mg/week. Ran this for 8 weeks and then have been running 200mg/week since. Had a some acne issues I wanted to control so I lowered the dosage and have had good response. Kinda confused because I never feel like I had estrogen issues to cause a breakout. Was using Stanford exemstane as AI. Still feel great and have bloods at 250/week pending. Starting T level was 400s.
A bit late posting these. Have been running Stanford Test E 250 since May. At the time of this bloodwork I was running 500 mg/week. Ran this for 8 weeks and then have been running 200mg/week since. Had a some acne issues I wanted to control so I lowered the dosage and have had good response. Kinda confused because I never feel like I had estrogen issues to cause a breakout. Was using Stanford exemstane as AI. Still feel great and have bloods at 250/week pending. Starting T level was 400s.
Blood results ?
Lab test?

Or just your word?
Will be taste testing Stanford in about a week or two. Will keep you updated!
Have u tried Stan’s yet? I Just got my second order from Stan. I switched back in October, from a different source I won’t name but that was very inconsistent with dosing. Stan’s super vetted, great reviews and from my experience great quality. His vials tend to have a little more than 10ml too. Got my recent order in 8 days which was extremely convenient, but could take two weeks or more depending on where it’s shipped to and of course as he stays busy. Best thing I can say is trust the process with him. Lots of ppl message the hell out of him asking if he got their message from 7 minutes prior, or that it’d been 3 days and they hadn’t gotten anything in the mail yet, ect….
I switched over too a few weeks back due to dosing issues I believe.. I was on 500sus 100Npp
Started getting bitchy and almost deca dick..
Switched to stans sus/deca/proviron/exematsne
Died me out quick feeling great again morning woods back alredy getting bloods in a couple more weeks will post when I get but the feels test of Stan has defo passed for me.
Ive been in bodybuilding and fitness for 25+ years. So, im not new to any of this. Was recently burned w the company i was using. Seen some earlier post of Stan. Was just wanting some more info.
Is the a product list im not seeing
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Ive been in bodybuilding and fitness for 25+ years. So, im not new to any of this. Was recently burned w the company i was using. Seen some earlier post of Stan. Was just wanting some more info.
Is the a product list im not seeing
Check out the Stanford Pharma thread in the Steroid Underground section. There should be a price list a couple pages back.