I started with Tren A and got great results from it. Then went to Tren E and results went from great to spectacular. For me, with the results I've consistently gotten from it, Tren E tops everything. So much so that I've largely quit using anything else for growth/muscularity and for a couple of years now have used only two things, Sustanon pretty much all the time, and cycling Tren E on and off. Even Primo didn't hold a candle to Tren E for me.
At 61 years old I look like I'm about within 15% of where I was in my early 20s competing in regional and national NPC contests and winning or placing. I'd love to say it's just my superior genetics and super-advanced he-man training regime, but no-shit, swear-to-god honest I attribute most of it to the spectacular effect Tren E has on my physique.
Tren can be VERY hard on your system so it's not something to cruise on. .I cycle it. I would recommend against using it if you're not willing to get your bloods checked on a regular basis. I don't want to be the guy with the best physique in the graveyard.
As always, keep in mind that's just my experience. Your mileage may vary.