About to start a blast of Stan’s primo 200. Never had any issues with his 150 before but on the last blast I was having extreme PIP on the 200 primo . Saw that some were pinning it by itself and were not having issues . Has anyone that was having the same issues start pinning it by itself and had better outcome ? TIA
No PIP here, it could be the carrier oil for you. Personally I cannot pin Tren A unless it's in an MCT base, ahit burns like fire in my delts and biceps, even traps. Last time I had spoken with S he expressed that there would be a choice in carrier oil in the future for nearly every compound, a change from GSO to MCT or vice versa may be just what the Dr ordered. I'm fortunate enough to still have a couple of the SP special 20ml bottles of Primo he released contest time a while back, GSO and smooth for me. But, everyone is different as I expressed regarding Tren A. Not exactly an exact science since everybody has their own reactions to compounds, just reiterating that if it's from SP, you have nothing to worry about, this man is fastidious when it comes to purity and quality.
No PIP here, it could be the carrier oil for you. Personally I cannot pin Tren A unless it's in an MCT base, ahit burns like fire in my delts and biceps, even traps. Last time I had spoken with S he expressed that there would be a choice in carrier oil in the future for nearly every compound, a change from GSO to MCT or vice versa may be just what the Dr ordered. I'm fortunate enough to still have a couple of the SP special 20ml bottles of Primo he released contest time a while back, GSO and smooth for me. But, everyone is different as I expressed regarding Tren A. Not exactly an exact science since everybody has their own reactions to compounds, just reiterating that if it's from SP, you have nothing to worry about, this man is fastidious when it comes to purity and quality.
Your right and I also notice gso is much better if pinning a large amount as it is thicker it’s less likely to leak out of the muscle and it absorbs slower so less pip

Mct is much thinner and I like it too

I like both equally
About to start a blast of Stan’s primo 200. Never had any issues with his 150 before but on the last blast I was having extreme PIP on the 200 primo . Saw that some were pinning it by itself and were not having issues . Has anyone that was having the same issues start pinning it by itself and had better outcome ? TIA
My wife and I have had similar experience and now we simply inject the primo seperate and have zero issues. For some reason 10mg ọf test and 20-30mg of primo would leave a huge knot. Seperating them out zero knots and injection site is ready in 4 days. I have e taken 200 on one shot and no pip but add in 100 mg of test and that spot is done for a week-10 days.
My wife and I have had similar experience and now we simply inject the primo seperate and have zero issues. For some reason 10mg ọf test and 20-30mg of primo would leave a huge knot. Seperating them out zero knots and injection site is ready in 4 days. I have e taken 200 on one shot and no pip but add in 100 mg of test and that spot is done for a week-10 days.
Good info, ty!
About to start a blast of Stan’s primo 200. Never had any issues with his 150 before but on the last blast I was having extreme PIP on the 200 primo . Saw that some were pinning it by itself and were not having issues . Has anyone that was having the same issues start pinning it by itself and had better outcome ? TIA
Worst pip and knotting I’ve ever had. Can only mix it with test at lesser amounts. Unfortunately 200 isn’t for me.
Same. I didn’t have issues until I was I injecting over 200mg a week. Then it was knots, Pip and low level inflammation every week. Switched to Primo 100 and now I have no issues injecting 400mg a week.
Yeah it suck’s. Would love to run it at higher doses, but I’m not injecting that much oil for a mild compound. Be at like 6cc a week with test for a mild cycle
Tren Ace at 200mg/ml would be amazing

What’s it like @Dirthand
Well just like everything else brother.. You say to yourself your gonna make at a higher concentration to cut diwn on injection voulume...... In reality you just realize it leaves you more room in the syringe for something else or just a higher doses of the same... Lol Really tho it's ok.. sometimes very mild pip sometimes none.. I made mine with miglyol 840.. I am not anywhere near the professional as stan though... I think pip is very individual and what is ok for me might hurt like hell for the next guy.. Probly why the more experienced professionals stick to what will work good for everyone.. apologies for bumping in the thread.
Respect to stan..
Well just like everything else brother.. You say to yourself your gonna make at a higher concentration to cut diwn on injection voulume...... In reality you just realize it leaves you more room in the syringe for something else or just a higher doses of the same... Lol Really tho it's ok.. sometimes very mild pip sometimes none.. I made mine with miglyol 840.. I am not anywhere near the professional as stan though... I think pip is very individual and what is ok for me might hurt like hell for the next guy.. Probly why the more experienced professionals stick to what will work good for everyone.. apologies for bumping in the thread.
Respect to stan..
Stans tren is unlike any other source, unbelievably smooth yet the most potent so you are right it’s perfection as it is and wouldn’t want to change a thing I cannot get a headache on his tren no matter the dose, 100-200mg is zero headache , but any other source I’ve tried migraines sets in 6 hours post injection if past 70mg of ace every single time