This !!! This needs to be in BOLD and posted everywhere. Soooo many think it’s like Primo and Eq and it’s NOT !!!!
I’ve never taken Mast, but I’ll be shortly. And what I know is it masks high e2 symptoms and that’s its only thing with E2. Doesn’t lower it
I love my e2 being a tad higher but the sides hit me easy. Hoping mast will help that & keep my AI dose lower / less frequent.
but I will still be controlling my e2 with AI / pinning frequency
Any recent tests on the Stanford Primo that I can show the homie? Needs different primo now that Bayer is discontinuing it, and they are understandably skeptical.
Lmao I hope you don’t believe mast lowers e2, even though it competes for receptors with e2 high systemic e2 is still an issue
Yeah I'm not going to sit at my fuckin keyboard and pretend I know anything about mechanisms and receptors and cascades and blah blah. I'm just a retard with 20 inch arms not a scientist. All I know is No Mast- bloodwork show E2 sky high. With mast - E2 good. Man use mast. Man see in range E2. Man smile. Man happy.
Indeed, find me a negative study on a healthy population and I’ll eat my words but afaik it doesn’t exist. I dunno where the sentiment that AIs are terrible for you came from. I don’t think it’s grounded in anything scientific

Imo AIs in bodybuilding and the gear world come down to bloodwork, feelz reports, and a bit of broscience/community support. No studies in this context.

I subjectively feel better running E2 a little high. Some guys like it better lower.
For some reason I can't like posts. I've been here for years and under my handle it use to say "Well known member" and now it says "Subscriber" I don't even know what the fuck that means. But I've lost the ability to like or respond to certain people/threads so if I didn't answer you that's why.
For some reason I can't like posts. I've been here for years and under my handle it use to say "Well known member" and now it says "Subscriber" I don't even know what the fuck that means. But I've lost the ability to like or respond to certain people/threads so if I didn't answer you that's why.

For some reason you were classified as a source. That gets you the subscriber tag. Sources don't get emoji privileges.
Any recent tests on the Stanford Primo that I can show the homie? Needs different primo now that Bayer is discontinuing it, and they are understandably skeptical.
I’ve been self testing 200 mg every other day for the last 3 months. Nothing but bloodwork to show. However I did ask stan before making another recent order & he confirmed he’s working with the same batch of primo raws.
I’ve been self testing 200 mg every other day for the last 3 months. Nothing but bloodwork to show. However I did ask stan before making another recent order & he confirmed he’s working with the same batch of primo raws.

Do your pre/post blood works show reduced E2? Does for some but not others.