Tren train all aboard choochoo
Yes just started it im again was subq cruising 30mg ed

70mg intramuscular + 30mg subq this will be ed for month or two cut than back to 20-30mg ed cruise

Handful of pills since I’m never off includes

Saw Palmetto
Red Yeast Extract
Citrus Bergamont
Anavar *may give it a break ast/alt in 60s

Anything else I should add?
Yes just started it im again was subq cruising 30mg ed

70mg intramuscular + 30mg subq this will be ed for month or two cut than back to 20-30mg ed cruise

Handful of pills since I’m never off includes

Saw Palmetto
Red Yeast Extract
Citrus Bergamont

Anything else I should add?
I’ve been experimenting with ashwaganda extract ksm66 and 5htp for the regulation of cortisol and serotonin. Systemic cortisol go up, serotonin go down on tren for me.

Re nac: there are some companies like revivemd and leviathan have these mega liver pills with nac, milk thistle, and tudca all in one pill I take the one from revivemd, I think it’s worth it but ymmv
I’ve been experimenting with ashwaganda extract ksm66 and 5htp for the regulation of cortisol and serotonin. Systemic cortisol go up, serotonin go down on tren for me.

Re nac: there are some companies like revivemd and leviathan have these mega liver pills with nac, milk thistle, and tudca all in one pill I take the one from revivemd, I think it’s worth it but ymmv
Appreciate that!

What’s your favorite supp for kidney health?

My last labs with 24 week 700mg-1g tren every week, haven’t stopped just cut doses down as labs holding steady but I want more than 3-4 hours sleep everyday,

take a look I get them almost monthly and this was 2 months ago with the highest doses

Bun 24
Creatine 0.65
Egfr 131
Bun/creatine ratio 36
Sodium 133
Potassium 5.3
Chloride 96

Total 220
HDL 20
LDL 181
Triglycerides 103
Vldl 20
Ratio 11.5

Shbg 5.7 - LOW

Dhea sulfate 690

Prolactin 26.1

Prostate psa 0.8

Insulin-LGF 179

T3 3.0

T4 1.42

Tsh 1.06

Lh <0.3
Fsh <0.3
Appreciate that!

What’s your favorite supp for kidney health?

My last labs with 24 week 700mg-1g tren every week, haven’t stopped just cut doses down as labs holding steady, if you think so take a look I get them almost monthly and this was 2 months ago with the highest doses

Bun 24
Creatine 0.65
Egfr 131
Bun/creatine ratio 36
Sodium 133
Potassium 5.3
Chloride 96

Total 220
HDL 20
LDL 181
Triglycerides 103
Vldl 20
Ratio 11.5

Shbg 5.7 - LOW

Dhea sulfate 690

Prolactin 26.1

Prostate psa 0.8

Insulin-LGF 179

T3 3.0

T4 1.42

Tsh 1.06

Lh <0.3
Fsh <0.3
You should get a cystatin c test for kidney health. For supplements, I take this one Kidney but haven’t been running that long so don’t have new blood work to show if it did anything yet.
You should get a cystatin c test for kidney health. For supplements, I take this one Kidney but haven’t been running that long so don’t have new blood work to show if it did anything yet.
Bloodwork is key imo, Labs will never be perfect to just ignore since I’m not using only trt right now

So I check how far off the normal range i can get away with without worrying, and the peace of mind of checking often is actually increasing gains and the fun in this
Yes just started it im again was subq cruising 30mg ed

70mg intramuscular + 30mg subq this will be ed for month or two cut than back to 20-30mg ed cruise

Handful of pills since I’m never off includes

Saw Palmetto
Red Yeast Extract
Citrus Bergamont
Anavar *may give it a break ast/alt in 60s

Anything else I should add?
Tren E or Tren A. I've also been curious about dosing tren subq but not to sure.
Appreciate that!

What’s your favorite supp for kidney health?

My last labs with 24 week 700mg-1g tren every week, haven’t stopped just cut doses down as labs holding steady but I want more than 3-4 hours sleep everyday,

take a look I get them almost monthly and this was 2 months ago with the highest doses

Bun 24
Creatine 0.65
Egfr 131
Bun/creatine ratio 36
Sodium 133
Potassium 5.3
Chloride 96

Total 220
HDL 20
LDL 181
Triglycerides 103
Vldl 20
Ratio 11.5

Shbg 5.7 - LOW

Dhea sulfate 690

Prolactin 26.1

Prostate psa 0.8

Insulin-LGF 179

T3 3.0

T4 1.42

Tsh 1.06

Lh <0.3
Fsh <0.3
I get red yeast rice supplement off of amazon that controls my cholesterol. You might wanna look at it. Doesn’t work for everyone but it does for. I was well over 200 when I started using it; LDLs were high and HDLs were low. 162 total now; LDLs went down and HDL went up. All trending the right direction.
I get red yeast rice supplement off of amazon that controls my cholesterol. You might wanna look at it. Doesn’t work for everyone but it does for. I was well over 200 when I started using it; LDLs were high and HDLs were low. 162 total now; LDLs went down and HDL went up. All trending the right direction.
RYR sucks. Each brand has inconsistent to non existent amounts of monacolin k, the natural statin RYR contains. If you're going to use a statin you might has well use a real standardized pharma statin, like rosuvastatin. Nowadays they have much less side effects.

Otherwise for a natural supplement I've found that citrus bergamot has much more consistent results.
I’ve been experimenting with ashwaganda extract ksm66 and 5htp for the regulation of cortisol and serotonin. Systemic cortisol go up, serotonin go down on tren for me.

Re nac: there are some companies like revivemd and leviathan have these mega liver pills with nac, milk thistle, and tudca all in one pill I take the one from revivemd, I think it’s worth it but ymmv
How is the ashwahganda working? I just got a supplement from gorilla mind that contains this specifically for cortisol. Haven’t tried it yet. I use almost leviathan nutrition whole line of health supps. Love there shit.
How is the ashwahganda working? I just got a supplement from gorilla mind that contains this specifically for cortisol. Haven’t tried it yet. I use almost leviathan nutrition whole line of health supps. Love there shit.
The ash I started before 5htp and definitely noticed a stress reduction effect, just generally more relaxed, can fall asleep easier. The 5htp I haven’t really noticed anything tbh I started that a few weeks after.

I would expect 5htp to blunt cns spikes like an ssri does but maybe it needs time to build up
Anyone know the shelf life on Stans tren? Have about a year and a half old unopened vial that has been stored room temp since I've had it.