Jiu Jitsu 24/7
New Member
What's up everyone, 19 year old male starting TRT within a week or two. Why am I starting TRT at age 19? Well at age 16 I actually had very high t, unfortunately that same year I got prescribed the antidepressant Zoloft and had a adverse reaction and developed a bilateral varicocele. For the past 3 years I have tried to fix it naturally and had no success I even ate a raw paleo diet for 10 months straight, saw improvement in mood a little but still had low t. Also I tried aromatase inhibitors to increase my t also, unfortunately this also failed Here's my TRT Protocol any help will be appreciated.
Testosterone Enthante 250 mg a week split into two injections for example, 125 mg on Monday and then 125 mg on Thursday.
HCG E3D at 250IU
Aromatase inhibitors I will not start on, I have over a two year supply on hand so already got that covered, I will first start on test and hcg and after a month or a month and a half I will get blood work done to see where my estrogen is at, if I do run a AI it will probably be letrozole at 0.625 mg E4 or E3 days. I also have Aromasin which I like much better but I only make 7.35 a hour and Aromasin is just to expensive for me.
Anyways any help will be appreciated, and please don't start with that your only 19 bullshit, test is test anyone at any age can get low t, also before you talk shit, anyone on here that has low t and takes trt knows the improvements they get in mood or fuck let's just call it happiness because that's really what it is, if you at age 19 had the same shit you may also think a little different. Anyways I have done plenty of research and have educated myself enough and feel this is the best thing for me.
Also I bought from the lab that starts with a b and ends in a o, if you go to the underground forum and pick top views you will see it in the top 10, it seems like its the best lab I could find, if that's a good lab just give a thumbs up or whatever. Thanks
Testosterone Enthante 250 mg a week split into two injections for example, 125 mg on Monday and then 125 mg on Thursday.
HCG E3D at 250IU
Aromatase inhibitors I will not start on, I have over a two year supply on hand so already got that covered, I will first start on test and hcg and after a month or a month and a half I will get blood work done to see where my estrogen is at, if I do run a AI it will probably be letrozole at 0.625 mg E4 or E3 days. I also have Aromasin which I like much better but I only make 7.35 a hour and Aromasin is just to expensive for me.
Anyways any help will be appreciated, and please don't start with that your only 19 bullshit, test is test anyone at any age can get low t, also before you talk shit, anyone on here that has low t and takes trt knows the improvements they get in mood or fuck let's just call it happiness because that's really what it is, if you at age 19 had the same shit you may also think a little different. Anyways I have done plenty of research and have educated myself enough and feel this is the best thing for me.
Also I bought from the lab that starts with a b and ends in a o, if you go to the underground forum and pick top views you will see it in the top 10, it seems like its the best lab I could find, if that's a good lab just give a thumbs up or whatever. Thanks