Starting TRT

Jiu Jitsu 24/7

New Member
What's up everyone, 19 year old male starting TRT within a week or two. Why am I starting TRT at age 19? Well at age 16 I actually had very high t, unfortunately that same year I got prescribed the antidepressant Zoloft and had a adverse reaction and developed a bilateral varicocele. For the past 3 years I have tried to fix it naturally and had no success I even ate a raw paleo diet for 10 months straight, saw improvement in mood a little but still had low t. Also I tried aromatase inhibitors to increase my t also, unfortunately this also failed Here's my TRT Protocol any help will be appreciated.

Testosterone Enthante 250 mg a week split into two injections for example, 125 mg on Monday and then 125 mg on Thursday.

HCG E3D at 250IU

Aromatase inhibitors I will not start on, I have over a two year supply on hand so already got that covered, I will first start on test and hcg and after a month or a month and a half I will get blood work done to see where my estrogen is at, if I do run a AI it will probably be letrozole at 0.625 mg E4 or E3 days. I also have Aromasin which I like much better but I only make 7.35 a hour and Aromasin is just to expensive for me.

Anyways any help will be appreciated, and please don't start with that your only 19 bullshit, test is test anyone at any age can get low t, also before you talk shit, anyone on here that has low t and takes trt knows the improvements they get in mood or fuck let's just call it happiness because that's really what it is, if you at age 19 had the same shit you may also think a little different. Anyways I have done plenty of research and have educated myself enough and feel this is the best thing for me.

Also I bought from the lab that starts with a b and ends in a o, if you go to the underground forum and pick top views you will see it in the top 10, it seems like its the best lab I could find, if that's a good lab just give a thumbs up or whatever. Thanks
Sorry its pharmacom labs it doesn't start with a b and end in a o

First off, medically warranted or not, you are buying scheduled drugs to self medicate with. If that's you in the avatar, get your face off there.

Second, what do your lab numbers look like? And have you gone to an endocrinologist, and discussed with a professional?

Third, your trt protocol is too high, ugl gear or not. Start at 125/wk, and adjust up from there. You don't need to be putting yourself over 1500 long term. It will feel good at first, but it will take its toll on you.

Don't take that as hate, it's not. Hope you get feeling better soon.
Yes alright I'll do that, I'm trying to hit around 1300, would being around those numbers really wreak a toll on my body? I don't have all theanswers and that's why I'm asking. Also no I have never gotten blood work regardless, I know how I feel when my t is normal tho.
Number one, bloodwork before starting. Fuck what you think you know, you really don't. As soon after waking as possible, and you need to confirm on a retest.

1300 is high, but still within physiological range. It will be fine unless other markers start to say it isn't.

It's not that you are too young. It's that this is a very, very bad idea to walk blindly in to. You can not base your test levels on how you feel, they'll fool you everytime. This is a lifetime decision. Know for sure, or you will live to regret it.
I know I have low t, and look man your right I should get a blood test I'm just a stubborn fuck, with that said man I know for a fact I have low t, also why would I regret it, I mean I'm going to feel better, I mean fuck man what other option do I have other than just feel like shit, I'd rather take a chance to have a better life than feel like this and not take a chance, even my dad is on board with me doing it because he's seen the change in the last few years.
You need bloodwork. This is not optional. Confirm.

If you have low t, and you have a cause for it, then you have a prescription coming to you.

What if your shitty feelings are actually depression? The two go hand in hand, hard to tell them apart. Going to feel awfully silly if you chemically castrate yourself when all you needed is some lexapro.

The labs are not optional. They're like 60 bucks dude. Don't fuck this up.
Look man the same time I developed a varicocele is the same time my libido went dead its pretty obvious man. No offense I hear what your saying just all the symptoms I have point to low t. Low libido, low mood, bones constantly cracking esp at the ankles, my jaw line, I remember when I had high t my jaw had less fat and was much skinnier and not as wide, now its fat and has widened out, I've noticed this in other males with low t also. I know that last one sounds weird but I've also seen this in the scientific literature also.
That may be. You probably do have low t. I don't care to argue with you about your own body.

But the labs are not optional. They are 60 dollars, no doctor required, and you can have results by Monday If you draw tomorrow.

This is the first step for any legitimate treatment. Do not do this blind! If nothing else, you will die not knowing for sure. Just get them done. It may be fixable. It may be warranted that you go on for life. Even if you don't want to go through a doctor, do this right. Any other way is fucking stupid bro. We are talking about chemical castration if you are wrong. Be sure!

I'm not telling you you're too young. I'm notut telling you you're wrong about your body.

I am telling you that there is only one way to initiate this treatment, and that is with a hormone panel.

You are going to require these quarterly anyway, and with every new batch of ugl test you switch to. Think of it as practice.
Look man the same time I developed a varicocele is the same time my libido went dead its pretty obvious man. No offense I hear what your saying just all the symptoms I have point to low t. Low libido, low mood, bones constantly cracking esp at the ankles, my jaw line, I remember when I had high t my jaw had less fat and was much skinnier and not as wide, now its fat and has widened out, I've noticed this in other males with low t also. I know that last one sounds weird but I've also seen this in the scientific literature also.
dude don't be a fucking idiot and just ASSUME. You're just looking for an excuse to use AAS at your age. I can't believe you're so adamant about this and you haven't even had your levels checked

That may be. You probably do have low t. I don't care to argue with you about your own body.

But the labs are not optional. They are 60 dollars, no doctor required, and you can have results by Monday If you draw tomorrow.

This is the first step for any legitimate treatment. Do not do this blind! If nothing else, you will die not knowing for sure. Just get them done. It may be fixable. It may be warranted that you go on for life. Even if you don't want to go through a doctor, do this right. Any other way is fucking stupid bro. We are talking about chemical castration if you are wrong. Be sure!

I'm not telling you you're too young. I'm notut telling you you're wrong about your body.

I am telling you that there is only one way to initiate this treatment, and that is with a hormone panel.

You are going to require these quarterly anyway, and with every new batch of ugl test you switch to. Think of it as practice.

you're a very patient dude, props.
More face. Edit it them now before it locks you out!

Think! No more pictures till you figure it out. Pictures don't mean shit anyway, bloodwork does.
Dude, I wasn't looking long enough. You have to get them down in 15.

Calm the fuck down, get bloods, you know it's smart. Check out the men's health forum if you haven't yet. Just get your numbers first. Maybe you can fix it, we have competent people here who can help a lot. But you need the numbers.
Dude, I wasn't looking long enough. You have to get them down in 15.

Calm the fuck down, get bloods, you know it's smart. Check out the men's health forum if you haven't yet. Just get your numbers first. Maybe you can fix it, we have competent people here who can help a lot. But you need the numbers.

Alright I appreciate it I might get blood work I might not, I really do appreciate you trying to help tho, I just get annoyed when people think I'm doing this because I just want to do steroids. Plus my t would show up high anyway right now because I'm on aromasin, NOTE that's only high blood serum test levels, that doesn't mean my usable test is actually high. Like I said I was trying to use an AI to get my test up but it only failed, it helps a little bit but not enough of course.
Alright I appreciate it I might get blood work I might not, I really do appreciate you trying to help tho, I just get annoyed when people think I'm doing this because I just want to do steroids. Plus my t would show up high anyway right now because I'm on aromasin, NOTE that's only high blood serum test levels, that doesn't mean my usable test is actually high. Like I said I was trying to use an AI to get my test up but it only failed, it helps a little bit but not enough of course.
You don't appreciate him trying to help you, ya ignorant little fucktard! Listen to those who know more than you and learn. Bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork. You have no idea if you have a pituitary issue, thyroid imbalance, primary or secondary hypogonadism, you could have had a torsion, developed a cyst ect ect fucking ect...

This is a life long decision and you are looking a foot ahead in the fog right now and @D-Ballin has taken the time to try and clear a path for you. "I know my Test is low":rolleyes:
You have proven you know very little. Get with an Endo before you do damage that is irreversible. Look into other options. ie. clomid, hcg only... zinc, follic acid, vitamin E, and again ect ect fucking.....ect
You don't appreciate him trying to help you, ya ignorant little fucktard! Listen to those who know more than you and learn. Bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork. You have no idea if you have a pituitary issue, thyroid imbalance, primary or secondary hypogonadism, you could have had a torsion, developed a cyst ect ect fucking ect...

This is a life long decision and you are looking a foot ahead in the fog right now and @D-Ballin has taken the time to try and clear a path for you. "I know my Test is low":rolleyes:
You have proven you know very little. Get with an Endo before you do damage that is irreversible. Look into other options. ie. clomid, hcg only... zinc, follic acid, vitamin E, and again ect ect fucking.....ect

Are you stupid, I have a bilateral varicocele they have been proven to reduce testosterone by a ton, wish more guys on this forum would back me up on this, pituitary issue? ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB WE KNOW WHATS CAUSING MY LOW T.
You don't appreciate him trying to help you, ya ignorant little fucktard! Listen to those who know more than you and learn. Bloodwork, bloodwork, bloodwork. You have no idea if you have a pituitary issue, thyroid imbalance, primary or secondary hypogonadism, you could have had a torsion, developed a cyst ect ect fucking ect...

This is a life long decision and you are looking a foot ahead in the fog right now and @D-Ballin has taken the time to try and clear a path for you. "I know my Test is low":rolleyes:
You have proven you know very little. Get with an Endo before you do damage that is irreversible. Look into other options. ie. clomid, hcg only... zinc, follic acid, vitamin E, and again ect ect fucking.....ect

Seriously d ballin has been so patient and given the best advice and by saying "i might get bloodwork, i might not" means you're not going to. No respect or appreciation whatsoever.

you're a fuckng idiot mate.

I just get annoyed when people think I'm doing this because I just want to do steroids.
Yes alright I'll do that, I'm trying to hit around 1300, would being around those numbers really wreak a toll on my body?
I have over a two year supply on hand so already got that covered,
i wonder why people think that?? you fucking dickhead. lmaaaao

I know I have low t, and look man your right I should get a blood test I'm just a stubborn fuck, with that said man I know for a fact I have low t, also why would I regret it, I mean I'm going to feel better, I mean fuck man what other option do I have other than just feel like shit, I'd rather take a chance to have a better life than feel like this and not take a chance, even my dad is on board with me doing it because he's seen the change in the last few years.

alright seriously I'm sorry for being so rude to you, its actually clear you're autistic or something.


No offense I hear what your saying just all the symptoms I have point to low t. Low libido, low mood, bones constantly cracking esp at the ankles, my jaw line, I remember when I had high t my jaw had less fat and was much skinnier and not as wide, now its fat and has widened out,
are you seriously going to self medicate with TRT at 19 because you SUSPECT you have low T because your jaw line has more fat on it and has widened out and your ankles crack and you think this is because of low T... ?

You're going to permanently fuck up your endocrine system because you're guessing you have low T, yet it could be and most likely is a number of other issues.

just admit you wanna use gear, i'd respect you way more if you weren't trying to soap box some bullshit story

how the fuck anyone is actually taking you seriously when you're totally guessing you've got low t is beyond me. You're a fucking dickhead. Just start using gear, stop bullshitting yourself and everyone else with this fucking corn ball ass story. You're a fuckin dumb cunt

Thats like me deciding i need to start using HCG because my balls have shrunk, forgetting the fact that its actually winter that is making them shrink, IM SURE i need HCG though because they never usually shrink in winter..

do you understand how stupid you sound?
Of course we know.;) Cause you "got a feeling" right o_O
Who needs bloodwork cause you're pretty sure right.
Fucking idiot kids...
No ones backing you up because you come here asking for input without any evidence as to why, what, or where your problems ACTUALLY originated and then proceed to tell us all thanks for the advise but fuck you guys. Little assclown


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