
When I'm 50 can I have a pussy wrecking bod like you I got 3 years to do it just wreck that shit collect the life insurance because she will most likely have a heart attack from all the wrecking and I can buy a wife from another country. I'm so sorry haven't had my coffee yet

Mine took a few more than three years hehe. But who knows. You may be the next genetic freak
And I can totally see where you come from for wanting this bod for pussy wrecking. Lol. Guess I need to pat myself on the back when I can. And I’m on my fifties. Maybe you could reach this level when your older. Are you a younger guy? I’m thinking your not an old fart like I am.

I'm in my 20s. I do exercise but not as much as I should. Running, pull ups, dips.. Mostly calisthenics but it's quite irregular.

You used to sell narco recs? What were you selling? I sold hallucinogenic items in my youth. Had to give that up, probably the same reasons you have moved on most likely.

Yes, recreational. MDMA, ketamine, and LSD mostly. I was abusing everything though, especially alcohol, and my life was a big mess. There were many reasons to move on and eventually I was able to. Nowadays I'm completely sober and trying to make something out of my life.

Yeah, I couldnt access it earlier but it wouldnt make any sense for anyone to fuc

I'm curious as to how you got my password then, I never had an account with PPL or DO.

Thanks for giving back my protonmail account

btw, I deleted it just to be safe but in a weird way, you snapped me out of my complacency when it comes to my security on the interwebz so I guess you helped me in a way.

Maybe you forgot you registered there? I can't explain it otherwise.

I'm not greedy and I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Yes, it is important to keep different passwords and preferably 2FA.. If not you're a website or forum hack away from losing your account
I'm in my 20s. I do exercise but not as much as I should. Running, pull ups, dips.. Mostly calisthenics but it's quite irregular.

Yes, recreational. MDMA, ketamine, and LSD mostly. I was abusing everything though, especially alcohol, and my life was a big mess. There were many reasons to move on and eventually I was able to. Nowadays I'm completely sober and trying to make something out of my life.

Maybe you forgot you registered there? I can't explain it otherwise.

I'm not greedy and I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Yes, it is important to keep different passwords and preferably 2FA.. If not you're a website or forum hack away from losing your account

Hmmm, maybe I did and just forgot. There's a good chance of that.
? For the hacker, my cousin did security at Microsoft he said when Microsoft forces an update that it's a hacker who found a way in to 10 or whatever. That there are basically guys who make a living doing that. Any truth to that. Also during the white hat confrence they would try to hire black hats to work for them?

Yes. There is a market for 0days and they are paid very well. You can take a look at one business that buys that kind of exploitable bugs:

ZERODIUM - The Leading Exploit Acquisition Platform

A 0day that allows Remote Code Execution on an Iphone can be sold for 1-3 million USD easily.
But seriously @MD2815 you must worry that one day someone will find out who you really are and come after you. Your playing with a lot of money with these guys. Also this pertains to @Bluerun too. In fact more so. These steroid boards are huge profit centers for a lot of people. Not just the board owners. There are a lot of ruthless sources who will swing by your house to give you your own personal Sicilian neck tie for a lot less

I'm asking for small amounts of money and think about who I target so they can't get to me. I keep my word too. If they pay the customers won't even know. I go and delete everything. You were lucky you didn't have crypto in your ProtonMail account, I would have stolen it from you otherwise. When the sources don't pay, the customers do.

Anyway, I'm done already. Waiting for a couple more payments and that's it. I'm gone. I will probably mess with PurplePandaLabs/DragonOrdnance/MonkeyKingAnabolic every few months though. Not expecting to get paid, but just because I can and they didn't behave as I think they should have.
2 factor authorization

Requires a text or email of a code to you in order to logon
To be even safer use a cheap prepaid phone for 2fa. I got an ATT one for $15 a month talk/text only. Good way to be fairly anonymous.
To be even safer use a cheap prepaid phone for 2fa. I got an ATT one for $15 a month talk/text only.

That's good but if it's possible it's better to use Google Authenticator or andOTP. There is a problem with SMS 2FA due to sim swapping and vulnerabilities on the SS7 protocol. That's solved in part using a separate phone for 2FA and I do the same when Authenticator is not available.
Yes we all know you jump on any bathtub brew UGL popping up to be the rep for some free gear lol if this is the same stinkfinger from asf it’s a sponsored dhb log for uncle z

Definitely ain’t me never been on ASF just here and M&S. I picked stinkfinger bc I thought it would be unique...guess not lol. Also note mine is stinkfinger1112
That's good but if it's possible it's better to use Google Authenticator or andOTP. There is a problem with SMS 2FA due to sim swapping and vulnerabilities on the SS7 protocol. That's solved in part using a separate phone for 2FA and I do the same when Authenticator is not available.
Thanks looks like i need to reacher some things
That's good but if it's possible it's better to use Google Authenticator or andOTP. There is a problem with SMS 2FA due to sim swapping and vulnerabilities on the SS7 protocol. That's solved in part using a separate phone for 2FA and I do the same when Authenticator is not available.
So are you tntline?
I'm asking for small amounts of money and think about who I target so they can't get to me. I keep my word too. If they pay the customers won't even know. I go and delete everything. You were lucky you didn't have crypto in your ProtonMail account, I would have stolen it from you otherwise. When the sources don't pay, the customers do.

Anyway, I'm done already. Waiting for a couple more payments and that's it. I'm gone. I will probably mess with PurplePandaLabs/DragonOrdnance/MonkeyKingAnabolic every few months though. Not expecting to get paid, but just because I can and they didn't behave as I think they should have.

Ok curiosity has been killing me and I gotta ask. I won’t ever get many chances to question a hacker. When you get into a site, can you see/dump/copy everything or just get to enough areas to get some sensitive info. And honestly curious about this, where the actual fuck do you get into these places. Web sites have been dealing with these attacks for years and have learned to close up any possible openings. Do you really hack in or do you get with someone on the inside and then work with them. About all I can do with a computer is write a letter and post on a steroid forum. Oh yea. And turn it on;)

Edit: I gotta wait for a power outage to turn it off though :oops:
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Yes we all know you jump on any bathtub brew UGL popping up to be the rep for some free gear lol if this is the same stinkfinger from asf it’s a sponsored dhb log for uncle z
Who the fawk is unclenz sounds like a pedi.
I stabbed one of those in prison.
So are you tntline?

Nope. I didn't try to scam anyone using email. I simply logged in, took crypto, moved on.

Ok curiosity has been killing me and I gotta ask. I won’t ever get many chances to question a hacker. When you get into a site, can you see/dump/copy everything or just get to enough areas to get some sensitive info. And honestly curious about this, where the actual fuck do you get into these places. Web sites have been dealing with these attacks for years and have learned to close up any possible openings. Do you really hack in or do you get with someone on the inside and then work with them. About all I can do with a computer is write a letter and post on a steroid forum. Oh yea. And turn it on;)

It depends. PurplePandaLabs I had everything but I was lazy and only took a few hundred orders. Mistake I won't make ever again, from now on I will have a full dump instead of a proof of concept. Most of the time you get everything when we are talking about this kind of shops. I have to say that I have seen banks with worse security though.

I basically went to the forums and review sites, made a list of all the shops, started classifying them according to technologies used, custom development or off-the-shelf CMS, updated or old.. Then I start trying to find vulnerabilities. First I start with custom development as it's easier that they made some mistake, then I go to websites that aren't updated.. And go on and on until I get to the most difficult targets. To find 0days I basically download the code that is being used in the shop, install it in my own server, and fuzz it trying to make it break somewhere. I also read the code, do static analysis, look at recent commits to see if the developers solved some vulnerability in a "hidden" way.

These shops are kids play. I could have done and used to do these kinds of things when I was 12. Adding a ' in the correct place is all you need to do many times. If it behaves like it shouldn't then you run sqlmap and download all their data.

I'm a technical guy. No social engineering, no insider guy.. Just a computer and a couple hours.
Sounds like a way to spare time to brew more gear and collect money while they wait for there ounce of raws lmao

Just but raws in kilos

