Steroid plotter accuracy?


New Member
Hey I entered a single dose front loading 1400 test e one day and the graph shows an individual would have basically supraphysiological levels of testosterone for nearly two weeks.

Does a single big dose like that of test e really keep your test levels so high for a long time?
Let’s assume 200mg a week gives you normal nunbers. 1400 is 7x that. Half life of long ester test is almost 2 weeks. Let’s call it 10 days.

D0 - 1400mg
D10 - 700mg
D20 - 350mg
D30 - 175mg

You’re supraphysiological for closer to a month.
Let’s assume 200mg a week gives you normal nunbers. 1400 is 7x that. Half life of long ester test is almost 2 weeks. Let’s call it 14 days.

D0 - 1400mg
D14 - 700mg
D28 - 350mg
D42 - 175mg

You’re supraphysiological for over a month.
Jesus Christ and that’s just from one single dose…I did not realize that.
This is why everyone ends up starting PCT WAY too early. A saturated test level at a decent dose takes WEEKS to drift down to low physiological ranges where PCT can start to be useful.
That would explain past issues with estrogen management. I would’ve thought a single dose would clear much faster. I would continue injecting normal dose while that large bolus dose is still in my system. It’s basically just doubling my levels without realizing.
@Mac11wildcat Another question I have

So a single large dose of test e would bring one’s test levels very high. However, does that necessarily mean one would reap all the benefits within just a single week or two?

By benefits I mean additional water retention, glycogen stores, performance in the gym, muscle growth etc..
@Mac11wildcat Another question I have

So a single large dose of test e would bring one’s test levels very high. However, does that necessarily mean one would reap all the benefits within just a single week or two?

By benefits I mean additional water retention, glycogen stores, performance in the gym, muscle growth etc..
2 weeks at elevated test levels is as useless as it sounds. Growing new tissue takes time.