I do get insomnia from tren and my cardio goes to shit, and I sweat a lot more (no night sweats though). I only get a cough occasionally but that can happen with test too, it is just worse with tren when it happens. I also will piss darker around 2 weeks in. But when I look at the sides, I get some of the same ones with test prop (insomnia, increased sweating, cough when nick a vein I guess). However the insomnia with tren starts with me almost immediately, I sweat more than I do on just other AAS, and if I get a cough it is much more noticeable.
Also pinning tren ace produces more pip for me than test prop (virtually none) and out of all the AAS I've ran tren ace probably causes the most pip for me (if it's dosed right). The pip I get is temporary and lasts a couple hours after pinning tren (delts are worst), I get pretty much zero pip from any test (including prop and TNE if it is in solution properly). About a week in my cardio takes a beating and a set of squats feels like sprinting a marathon.
But aside from the reduced cardio, I get some of the same sides with test prop, but sides like insomnia take weeks for me to experience with test prop but insomnia from tren ace kicks in within about a week for me. I don't experience darker urine at all running just test prop and most orals don't, typically, darken my urine much either. But tren always darkens my urine.
But as far as feelings go, insomnia and shitty cardio aren't much to go off of. The one guy mentioned about not "feeling" anything, and when someone says something like that, it makes me wonder if they are experienced with using AAS. Guys expect to notice something within less than a week and when I first started running gear, I wouldn't have been able to determine the quality of my gear off of feeling because I didn't know what to expect to feel from using AAS. And still I would argue that going off of feelings is a bad way to judge product because I've had cycles where side effects were minute. But I definitely can tell if my shit is legit because I know what gains to expect while cycling.