Here's the problem related to stock as I see it. Yes, I was involved with the last stock problems.
You place an order with the EU Warehouse for one reason, that their 100% shipping since 2011 I think it is. Well, if you get 100 orders for the EU Warehouse, but only fill 50 and send the rest to China, how is that 100%? You would have to fill every order placed there and ship every order from there.
The worst part, they send our private information to China. Our names, addresses and what we order, without asking! I'm not one who likes anyone else making my decision to send my personal info to another country. How is it sent, over the Internet, fax, smartphone?
Darius and his team were handing out discounts like Tic Tacs. If your having to hand out discounts to keep customers happy, you did something wrong. Darius said they were implementing a stock template of some kind. Not sure what's taking so long?