Steroids in Portugal

Hi! I've recently moved to Portugal and I want to order some gear for my first cycle.
What's your experience with it? Can customs seize my order?

Is it actually legal and allowed here? It looks like I'll not have any legal problems by just buying a dozen of vials, right?
From ChatGPT:
In Portugal, anabolic steroids are classified as controlled substances under the country's drug laws. This means that the possession, use, and distribution of steroids without a prescription are illegal. Steroids are regulated under the Law on Controlled Substances (Decree-Law No. 15/93), which governs the handling of substances with potential for abuse, similar to narcotics and other controlled drugs.

However, anabolic steroids can be legally prescribed by a licensed medical professional for legitimate medical purposes, such as hormone replacement therapy or certain medical conditions. Unauthorized possession or trafficking of steroids can result in criminal penalties, including fines or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.

Portugal is known for its progressive drug policy, especially in terms of decriminalizing personal possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use. For personal use quantities, offenders may be referred to a dissuasion panel instead of facing criminal charges. However, trafficking or selling steroids remains a serious crime.
From ChatGPT:
Hmmm, I don't trust ChatGPT answers really...

But I think I've found the answer
Portugal refers cases of consumption, purchase, or possession of up to a ten days’ supply of an illicit drug to an administrative panel, which makes recommendations for treatment, fines, warnings, or other penalties. Trafficking and cultivation of illicit substances, as well as possession of quantities exceeding a ten days’ supply, remain criminal offenses.

So, yes, that's still quite illegal in here. Because you really can't have just UP TO TEN DAYS SUPPLY. I'll try to look for safer options first.
Portugal, Spain and France have a little controls so the vast majority will pass
Just be careful, it's pangea time right now so they control much more pharmaceuticals products paquets, letters etc, normally it ends near the 17 october, my advice wait for november if you can or find a local seller
Hi! I've recently moved to Portugal and I want to order some gear for my first cycle.
What's your experience with it? Can customs seize my order?

Is it actually legal and allowed here? It looks like I'll not have any legal problems by just buying a dozen of vials, right?

I lived in Portugal. Steroids are widespread but theres a lot of scams too. There it's less about finding online sources and more about networking and talking to people. You can easily get guided to pharma suppliers if you talk to the right people.
I lived in Portugal. Steroids are widespread but theres a lot of scams too. There it's less about finding online sources and more about networking and talking to people. You can easily get guided to pharma suppliers if you talk to the right people.
Hi brother, when you talk pharma suppliers it's under the table or people who sell you pharma products without working in pharmacies because I know a lot of women working at pharmacies but I never talk about it with them
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Hi brother, when you talk pharma suppliers it's under the table or people who sell you pharma products without working in pharmacies because I know a lot of women working at pharmacies but I never talk about it with them
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There are sources that have connected with pharmacists that supply them pharma from the pharmacy under the table. Think of these pharmacists as the mafia acquiring a contact in the police that is willing to work with them.

I do not know of your relationship with the pharmacists that you mentioned, so I can't speak about it. It may come as a shock to them, a lot of people in the pharmacies are mostly oblivious to our side of things. If you could establish a direct connection with any of them, then you have won the jackpot.

It may sound anecdotal, but in Portugal the easiest way is to simply walk up to someone that you feel confident is on quality gear and connect with them. If you are around the Lisbon area there is a gym where a lot of pro's train, it's the best way I know of getting in touch with the real bodybuilding community and the best sources.


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There are sources that have connected with pharmacists that supply them pharma from the pharmacy under the table. Think of these pharmacists as the mafia acquiring a contact in the police that is willing to work with them.

I do not know of your relationship with the pharmacists that you mentioned, so I can't speak about it. It may come as a shock to them, a lot of people in the pharmacies are mostly oblivious to our side of things. If you could establish a direct connection with any of them, then you have won the jackpot.

It may sound anecdotal, but in Portugal the easiest way is to simply walk up to someone that you feel confident is on quality gear and connect with them. If you are around the Lisbon area there is a gym where a lot of pro's train, it's the best way I know of getting in touch with the real bodybuilding community and the best sources.
Thanks about the information but it's more about direct pharmacy selling, i know some of them here but i can't have all i want,

I know most people who resell in lisbon and porto because of my contacts but i have direct access to resellers and brands i know with good prices just some little things they don't have like bac water, glutathion, sterile water, hmg etc

For the gym with some pros you talk about blackout gym right ? Just to know

Anyway thanks for reply i appreciate
Thanks about the information but it's more about direct pharmacy selling, i know some of them here but i can't have all i want,

I know most people who resell in lisbon and porto because of my contacts but i have direct access to resellers and brands i know with good prices just some little things they don't have like bac water, glutathion, sterile water, hmg etc

For the gym with some pros you talk about blackout gym right ? Just to know

Anyway thanks for reply i appreciate
Then you're good. Every other product you mentioned is avaliable on a lot of lists, you'll eventually find it. Blackout is an amazing facility but for quality people I am talking about Mr. Big Evolution in Carcavelos.

