Steroids probe - James Abernathy and Pamela Pyle prescribing trenbolone for HRT

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Steroid Probe

In March 2006, according to the plea agreement, Abernathy sent Pyle an e-mail asking her to write prescriptions for his customers until he could replace a physician who had retired.

When Pyle questioned the legality of the arrangement, Abernathy assured her that it was legal, according to her plea agreement.

Pyle maintained that she knew nothing about anabolic steroids and asked Abernathy for information. He responded with an e-mail on March 30, 2006, detailing the anabolic steroids that he said "most of the guys respond well to."

Leading Abernathy's list was Trenbolone the veterinary steroid that has not been approved for human use. The plea document quoted him as describing the drug as "a gentle, nearly zero risk testosterone. It evokes all the goals one would want from testosterone, strength, libido, muscularity, virtually no aggression, acne or negative organ response."

In his interview with the Press-Register, Abernathy said Trenbolone is not a drug he ordinarily would recommend, although he added there could be some exceptions. He said that he relied on the expertise of the pharmacists at Applied Pharmacy.

URL: Steroids probe

Sun, 04 May 2008 15:28:46 GMT