Still new hear and starting TRT next week


New Member
I’m still new here and I’m starting TRT next week. I’m going to start with a men’s health TRT clinic and stay with them for a year to get dialed in, educate myself and ask my provider a lot of questions.

2023 was a great year and 2024 is going to be better.

After 25 years of substance abuse, one day I decided I was tired of feeling like shit and asked for help. Stepped in some rooms with great people that knew how I felt. I was about 280lbs my first day in those rooms. I worked on my mind and then started working on my body with the help of Tirz, diet and weight training. Now I’m 220lbs and feel the best I have in a long time.

The next step is to continue my journey in sobriety and optimizing my body.

So many other things improved when I decided to take steps to sobriety, but that’s not what this forum is about.