Store steroids outside


New Member
hey, what are your experiences with storing steroids outside? especially when it gets colder, do they survive it? At temperatures below zero the glass would probably break.
Best regards
Maybe he's military and can't hide it in the barracks? Colder temps could cause the gear to crash, but other than that I don't see what the problem would be unless bacteria gets inside the vial. So storing it in something dry/sealed is probably a good bet
Seriously though, here's what you need for gear preservation:

Lack of sunlight (wrap it in foil)
Lack of moisture (vaccuum seal it)
Lack of excessive heat
Relatively constant temperature (this one might be difficult outside)
Maybe he's military and can't hide it in the barracks? Colder temps could cause the gear to crash, but other than that I don't see what the problem would be unless bacteria gets inside the vial. So storing it in something dry/sealed is probably a good bet
Then he should get storage off base.