Strange Lab Results


New Member
Hitting 27 years old this week. I figure it would be a good time to know my baseline T to try to keep it around this number. Whats up with my FSH? Do LH and FSH correlate with one another? I hear of people having low LH, or LH and FSH, but just FSH I find little to no info.o_O I searched this forum. Not on HRT or TRT. Did 4 week M-Drol with proper pct 4 yrs ago. Was a safe successful cycle, or so it seemed.. Decided that stuff (self medicating) isn't for me, I consider myself a natural athlete.
BTW i took 2 months off lifting so I could get results from blood work as a sedentary person. Going to jump back into my lifting and in 2 months get blood tested again. Anyone think clomid could help me? Im not trying to increase sperm production per say... but any boost to libido is a good thing for bachelor! If there is room for improvment.

Testosterone, Serum 718 348-1197 ng/dL
LH 4.7 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH 1.1 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL LOW!!!
Estradiol 42.1 7.6-42.6 pg/mL

Also these parameters were flagged as well:

MCHC 36.0 31.5-35.7 g/dL HIGH
Lymphs (Absolute) 3.2 0.7-3.1 x10E3/uL HIGH
Bilirubin, Total 2.4 0.0-1.2 mg/dL HIGH

I can post other stats if needed. Thanks in advance!
What kind of "natural" athlete take two month off just to have a blood test done! I bet your on top of your game man! And second why come on to a steriod forum asking for help! Go to your damn doctor
Actually Dema, I am a very accomplished registered athlete of the NPC in my past, not going into this in this forum section.. So I guess i'm on top of my game from somebody else's perspective. Thanks though.
Yeah I wanted sedentary blood as stated in my OP. Also this is the Lab report board, not the natural vs steroid user segregation board. And I have a Lab Report. And A FSH problem. Sorry to offend you with my choice to be natural. My preference entirely, nothing against yours.
Doctors want to push their products, biased opinion sorry
I am aware of the wealth of knowledge on this forum and only wish to tap into it.
Post a copy of the lab results. What you have here is an incomplete picture. Do you have any previous lab results? That would be helpful.
Actually Dema, I am a very accomplished registered athlete of the NPC in my past, not going into this in this forum section.. So I guess i'm on top of my game from somebody else's perspective. Thanks though.
Yeah I wanted sedentary blood as stated in my OP. Also this is the Lab report board, not the natural vs steroid user segregation board. And I have a Lab Report. And A FSH problem. Sorry to offend you with my choice to be natural. My preference entirely, nothing against yours.
Doctors want to push their products, biased opinion sorry
I am aware of the wealth of knowledge on this forum and only wish to tap into it.

But I still do not understand? Working out will effect bloodwork to an extent, but your goal isn't to be a sedentary person, it is to be an athlete according to your post. Lifting and exercising is healthy for the body. Would you stop lifting if your bloodwork as a natural lifter was out of wack? I hope not, because that will not solve your problem.

Yes, lifting can cause some kidney and liver values to show elevation; but it does not mean you need to stop lifting. It is a false-positive alert, really.

Who knows, you may have skewed results by going from a guy that trains on the daily to a guy that sits at a desk/on the couch all day.
Sure greenddog1 here is result. Only one for reference.
BTW its Labcorp

You bring a valid point to the discussion Rjs725. I should have elaborated in my original post. This is private research for me. I had intended to take off time to add some body fat. I do this because I have a difficult time putting on fat while training at any intensity, also the break stimulates my body for growth when i jump into things once again. It is extremely difficult for me to gain weight without it. knowing I will get more blood work again after 2 months of compound muscle movements and prioritized isolation exercises as a comparison. I am very curious on how much natural hormones i can stimulate with training. As for the FSH maybe it will come back. I could have been without it for a long time for all i know...

Estradol 42.1 7.6-42.6 pg/mL (Page cut it off)
With only one lab result I wouldn't have a concern with any the values out of range. Diet, exercise and medications can influence these values and are marginally off the norm. It would be interesting to see the results in a couple of months before you resume training and then again after a couple months of training. Of course, if you see a reoccurring pattern in one, seek a medical professional. Good luck.
From what I understand Lh/FSH are released in pulses, so you would probably want to have a few blood draws to get a general idea of your actual numbers.
Try to stay well hydrated before your next test.