Stupid question (PCT Clomid)


New Member
I am going to take Clomid two weeks after my last injection of Test E. It is Liquid Clomi 70mL 35mg/mL so if I wanted to take:

Week 1: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 2: Clomid 150mg per day
Week 3: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 4: Clomid 100mg per day
Week 5: Clomid 50mg per day

It would equal 4cc (140mg) for oral syringe? Just wanted to double check. Thanks
Hey those clomid doses look a touch too high. I would be careful with the sides at those doses unless you have run it at those levels before.

Just my 0.02. Best of luck man :)
What were your doses on cycle? Aggressiveness of PCT would be dependent upon that IMO.


However based on reading. Stacking Nolvadex and Clomid is the most effective. This is normally done after an aggressive cycle as a lighter cycle would not require both drugs...

Lots of reading says that Nolva at an excess of 20mg has little to no benefit, yet the common dosing protocol tends to be 40/40/20/20 or 40/20/20/10 from what I have seen.

If you are running clomid as well as nolva I honestly think a protocol of 40/40/20/20 (nolva) and Clomid at (50/50/50/50) would be more than enough. If you get HCG as well and run that the last few weeks of your cycle as well as during the few weeks between injections and PCT I think you will have a golden line up.

Do some research but I have heard contradictory information about running HCG during the time you are PCTing with nolva and clomid in your system.

Hope that makes sense/ helps a bit!
I'd do 50/50/25/25 w/ a good t booster & exemastane 25mg ED fist week then 12.5mg EOD it'll raise test lower SHBG. This worked well for me on the same cycle w/ Tbol jumpstart. My recovery was fine! Since then tho I opt for Torem I feel it quickly & my sex drive remains durin PCT as opposed 2 nolvadex/Clomid.