Subcutaneous testosterone, which products and oils?


New Member
There has been a lot of talk recently about subcutaneous injections in TRT, can we do a light cycle like that or even a stronger one or not bother with it? If so, which testosterone products and more specifically the oil used in it are recommended for subcutaneous injections? I mean, will regular Iran E be suitable for this or should it be something else?

I ask to dispel the doubts circulating about this method.

Best regards
subq is good for trt i guess. i've seen some studies that showed it gave more stable levels and less intense spikes of hematocrit.

I've seen claims that it takes less Subq to get the same benefits, but no actual numbers that mean anything because they're all for TRT patients and not blasts.

Is Subq viable? Sure. I'm not taking 500mg a week of it though. Too much will give you little red bumps and welts and the PIP is twice as bad for me if I do get it.
Half the "benefits" from daily subq are attributable to the reduced dose because of the unaccounted for holdup volume in 7 syringes vs 1 or 2 a week.
I've used up to 0,6ml shots subc of different aas, i've used pharma test E, UGL test E, primo and currently using Test E + Masteron subc. Zero problems for me, sometimes there's some slight pip (more of a sting) at 0,6ml but at lower volumes i couldn't even remember where i pinned the previous day.

If you're interested in doing it, start with low volumes like up to 0,2ml don't go straight beyond 0,5. Also, i advise you to pin only in the glutes and side hip area and avoid the belly area.

If you try it and you end up with painfull knots or redness, bruising etc most possibly it means your body can't handle it, so return to intramuscular.
If you're interested in doing it, start with low volumes like up to 0,2ml don't go straight beyond 0,5. Also, i advise you to pin only in the glutes and side hip area and avoid the belly area.
yes avoid the belly area, I have a strip of scar tissue in my lower ab fat from just 2 months of ED subq injections
Oils or aqueous?

Have heard of that developing with diabetics after many years, but I have a feeling oils are much worse.
oils, probably 0.2ml ED, I've seen IFBB Pro Roman Fritz mention it happened to a friend of his.
Maybe It'll break up over time or with some massage, I'm not really sure how it works, I feel it when I roll my fat in between my fingers. I dont care that much though
oils, probably 0.2ml ED, I've seen IFBB Pro Roman Fritz mention it happened to a friend of his.
Maybe It'll break up over time or with some massage, I'm not really sure how it works, I feel it when I roll my fat in between my fingers. I dont care that much though
Massage guns are great for treating scar tissue. They work with pressure AND vibration at the same time. You just need to make a habit of it.
yes avoid the belly area, I have a strip of scar tissue in my lower ab fat from just 2 months of ED subq injections

Yeah I've heard that too (not from Roman). If there's a 5% chance making the area look/feel more fatty then I'd rather chose my glutes.

On the other hand, i have a type 1 diabetic friend and after many years of multiple daily shots around the belly button she ended up having a hard pouch in that area that doesn't look exactly like fat or scar tissue, it's something in-between and I'm already thinking to start spreading my water based shots to a bigger area than just around the belly button that I'm currently doing, just for the peace of mind.

Maybe there's something happening from continuous pinning regardless if it's water based or oil based.
Yeah I've heard that too (not from Roman). If there's a 5% chance making the area look/feel more fatty then I'd rather chose my glutes.

On the other hand, i have a type 1 diabetic friend and after many years of multiple daily shots around the belly button she ended up having a hard pouch in that area that doesn't look exactly like fat or scar tissue, it's something in-between and I'm already thinking to start spreading my water based shots to a bigger area than just around the belly button that I'm currently doing, just for the peace of mind.

Maybe there's something happening from continuous pinning regardless if it's water based or oil based.
i have been tired of doing the subq injections around the stomach area, i have been using upper glutes lately and will probably move around to other subq spots and let my stomach region get a break,,, What areas do others prefer for subq injections that aren't around the stomach area?
i have been tired of doing the subq injections around the stomach area, i have been using upper glutes lately and will probably move around to other subq spots and let my stomach region get a break,,, What areas do others prefer for subq injections that aren't around the stomach area?

You can basically pin everywhere you can pinch your skin with thumb and index and it's skin n fat. Using small slin pins (8mm or 5/16) besides belly button you can go towards love handles or you can go to pecs.

I used half inch to go shallow IM on pecs and I'm pretty sure with 5/16 there's almost zero chance to reach IM unless you're stage lean (i still doubt though).

You can grab your skin on your hip flexors, i have some fat there too under the belt height, and of course side hips near the bone where i shoot oils too and it's a great spot.

When i first used BPC for my knee i was pinching my knee cap and shoot it there, i guess you can deploy it everywhere under skin with a small slin pin.

I believe we use mostly stomach area because it's the most accessible, it's way easier to just lift your t-shirt than loose your belt and lower your pants. Just my guess though
i have been tired of doing the subq injections around the stomach area, i have been using upper glutes lately and will probably move around to other subq spots and let my stomach region get a break,,, What areas do others prefer for subq injections that aren't around the stomach area?
I pin every day subq and I like the upper side quad more towards the glutes. There seems to be a good amount of space to pin in all the way up the side of the leg for me.

Some people say groin area between the legs too.To other people's points above, anywhere you can punch the skin together works just fine. Makes finding spots easy.