Success story on Finasteride and Dutasteride - Only ever hear bad stuff.


New Member
You never hear anything good about Finasteride so I thought I would share my story with it.

I want to start by saying that I am taking Dutasteride now which is obviously stronger than Finasteride. I am also taking SSRI's/Citalopram and Tramadol - both of these 'can' make it impossible to cum, get horny and stay hard even without Finasteride. So, on paper I should be fucked (according to the internet). However, don't always believe everything you read on the internet. I think it is very easy to talk yourself into these horrendous side effects and assume you are fucked, the brain is so powerful. However, there are some people that do have side effects, I am not saying these drugs are faultless as everyone is different. I just think a lot of sufferers symptoms are psychosomatic because of what people have read, with this huge stigma around it.

I had my first scare in 2016 with Fina and my dick went numb, I couldn't get hard or horny! I shit myself and started anxious wanking about 10 times a day to make sure I had not fucked myself permanently. However, I started taking the Fina as I came off a 7 month test and tren cycle 400mgs of each per week (yes, I know that cycle is way too long)... So, of course I was going to be fucked hormonally from the crash of the gear. I had read all these horror stories and Fina was in my mind to blame and I swore never to take it ever again. Looking back, I now realise how stupid I was blaming it all on Fina.

Anyway, about 3 years later I decided to give it another go as by that time my natural levels were alright and I had no problems sexually, it had only taken about a month or two after stopping Fina and the gear to get some sex drive back btw with no PCT- yes, lucky! I have been taking Finasteride for a long time and then come off it with no problems, other than maybe occasionally not being as horny but I believe it to be psychological or stress as I am a slightly anxious person who get's stressed quite easily. Also, if you are off gear, you are never going to be as horny as you were before you ever started taking gear, as we are getting older. Also, I think you do sometimes permanently affect your natural sex drive after a cycle. In my case, I believe my off cycle sex drive to be about 70% of what it was pre any steroids, so adding in Fina may make the sexual side effects worse.

I have been on Finasteride for a long time and have recently moved over to Dutasteride which targets both the DHT thingys, which is obviously even stronger than Fina. I am also on Citalopram which is an SSRI and Tramadol which acts like an SSRI and SNRI as far as I'm aware. These two by themselves are known for stopping your libido and the ability even cum, which I experienced with Citalopram about 10 years ago. I don't need to, but I do occasionally take Viagra if I want an absolute rager, but I think I've always only ever been able to get 90%-95% hard even before any steroids, so the first time taking Viagra was a game changer.

Even with all of these in my system I am having no problems sexually. The only time I struggle (to cum) is if I have sex straight after taking the Citalopram and Tramadol, but later on in the day I'm fine. Yes, my Fina and Dutasteride are legit, they have always been prescribed and never from an under ground lab.

My personal conclusion is that I think we fuck our test levels and sex drive after we take steroids for the first time, more so if you do many cycles. I don't think our sex drive ever fully 100% returns when off cycle. I think that is why a lot of people end up on TRT. Then when taking Fina especially off cycle, we experience worse side effects. As for people who have not taken any gear, I imagine a lot of it could be psychosomatic. However, people experiencing legit side effects end up psychologically worse because of all the horror stories. I live in England and the NHS Drs DO NOT prescribe drugs like Diazepam, tramadol or anything addictive or dangerous easily. They have no financial incentive and are very strict. So, I don't see why they would allow a drug like Finasteride to be so easily obtained through the NHS. Private online GP's, yes I can see the financial incentive as playing with peoples insecurities brings in a lot of dollar, but I don't see why our NHS would allow so many scripts to be written, if there were irreversible side effects. You can't even get the F**KING hayfever jab through the NHS anymore, you have to go private.
I can't think of any medicate with as many people complaining about it as Finasteride..... gotta ask why.

Where there is smoke there is fire
every few years i start taking it then 3 months later i remember why i stopped the last time. fucks with my mood and my sex drive
Yes, so you didn't have any permanent sides then? If not, then that's good as that's what most people complain about, is the never ending sides effects even after stopping.
Yes, so you didn't have any permanent sides then? If not, then that's good as that's what most people complain about, is the never ending sides effects even after stopping.
yeah, no permanent sides for me. i stopped exactly 2 weeks ago and about 10 days into it i started feeling better, sex drive started to come back, and yesterday and today my mood was finally back. finally feeling like myself again is amazing.
yeah, no permanent sides for me. i stopped exactly 2 weeks ago and about 10 days into it i started feeling better, sex drive started to come back, and yesterday and today my mood was finally back. finally feeling like myself again is amazing.
Glad to hear as it sucks if you have no sex drive haha.
I heard 0.25mg twice a week is plenty and anything further than this is why people have bad experiences
You never hear anything good about Finasteride so I thought I would share my story with it.

I want to start by saying that I am taking Dutasteride now which is obviously stronger than Finasteride. I am also taking SSRI's/Citalopram and Tramadol - both of these 'can' make it impossible to cum, get horny and stay hard even without Finasteride. So, on paper I should be fucked (according to the internet). However, don't always believe everything you read on the internet. I think it is very easy to talk yourself into these horrendous side effects and assume you are fucked, the brain is so powerful. However, there are some people that do have side effects, I am not saying these drugs are faultless as everyone is different. I just think a lot of sufferers symptoms are psychosomatic because of what people have read, with this huge stigma around it.

I had my first scare in 2016 with Fina and my dick went numb, I couldn't get hard or horny! I shit myself and started anxious wanking about 10 times a day to make sure I had not fucked myself permanently. However, I started taking the Fina as I came off a 7 month test and tren cycle 400mgs of each per week (yes, I know that cycle is way too long)... So, of course I was going to be fucked hormonally from the crash of the gear. I had read all these horror stories and Fina was in my mind to blame and I swore never to take it ever again. Looking back, I now realise how stupid I was blaming it all on Fina.

Anyway, about 3 years later I decided to give it another go as by that time my natural levels were alright and I had no problems sexually, it had only taken about a month or two after stopping Fina and the gear to get some sex drive back btw with no PCT- yes, lucky! I have been taking Finasteride for a long time and then come off it with no problems, other than maybe occasionally not being as horny but I believe it to be psychological or stress as I am a slightly anxious person who get's stressed quite easily. Also, if you are off gear, you are never going to be as horny as you were before you ever started taking gear, as we are getting older. Also, I think you do sometimes permanently affect your natural sex drive after a cycle. In my case, I believe my off cycle sex drive to be about 70% of what it was pre any steroids, so adding in Fina may make the sexual side effects worse.

I have been on Finasteride for a long time and have recently moved over to Dutasteride which targets both the DHT thingys, which is obviously even stronger than Fina. I am also on Citalopram which is an SSRI and Tramadol which acts like an SSRI and SNRI as far as I'm aware. These two by themselves are known for stopping your libido and the ability even cum, which I experienced with Citalopram about 10 years ago. I don't need to, but I do occasionally take Viagra if I want an absolute rager, but I think I've always only ever been able to get 90%-95% hard even before any steroids, so the first time taking Viagra was a game changer.

Even with all of these in my system I am having no problems sexually. The only time I struggle (to cum) is if I have sex straight after taking the Citalopram and Tramadol, but later on in the day I'm fine. Yes, my Fina and Dutasteride are legit, they have always been prescribed and never from an under ground lab.

My personal conclusion is that I think we fuck our test levels and sex drive after we take steroids for the first time, more so if you do many cycles. I don't think our sex drive ever fully 100% returns when off cycle. I think that is why a lot of people end up on TRT. Then when taking Fina especially off cycle, we experience worse side effects. As for people who have not taken any gear, I imagine a lot of it could be psychosomatic. However, people experiencing legit side effects end up psychologically worse because of all the horror stories. I live in England and the NHS Drs DO NOT prescribe drugs like Diazepam, tramadol or anything addictive or dangerous easily. They have no financial incentive and are very strict. So, I don't see why they would allow a drug like Finasteride to be so easily obtained through the NHS. Private online GP's, yes I can see the financial incentive as playing with peoples insecurities brings in a lot of dollar, but I don't see why our NHS would allow so many scripts to be written, if there were irreversible side effects. You can't even get the F**KING hayfever jab through the NHS anymore, you have to go private.
What was your dosage of fina
What was your dosage of fina
Fina was 1mg a day. Dutasteride I'm on 0.5mgs a day, but they are capsules as the Dut is a liquid I assume. Had no problem with the Mrs multiple times over the weekend as we were child free for once! Plus the countless other shit I'm taking that stops you cumming and getting it up.
I heard 0.25mg twice a week is plenty and anything further than this is why people have bad experiences
I think if you are interested it's simply trial and error. I have heard the same at 0.25 every couple of days works, but I think it depends on how prone you are to losing your hair. I guess trail and error is the only way to know
I think if you are interested it's simply trial and error. I have heard the same at 0.25 every couple of days works, but I think it depends on how prone you are to losing your hair. I guess trail and error is the only way to know
If you're not having problems continue! If you are, take my advice and reduce it to 0.25mg E3.5D. it has a 3 day half life doesnt it?

I'm so paranoid about my hair, when I run my hands through it I'm always scared when I see 2-3 hairs come out.

I gave you the DNP source over email right?

What cycle are you planning on running, goals ect
If you're not having problems continue! If you are, take my advice and reduce it to 0.25mg E3.5D. it has a 3 day half life doesnt it?

I'm so paranoid about my hair, when I run my hands through it I'm always scared when I see 2-3 hairs come out.

I gave you the DNP source over email right?

What cycle are you planning on running, goals ect
Yeah all received, cheers!

So, I used to run big cycles, but I find now that all I really need is between 6-800mgs of test per week to get to the size I need to be at. I'm naturally quite broad, so I don't need a huge amount. Also, I run my cycles based on my hair loss protocol, so I'm pretty much stuck with Test only, as Duasteride and Fina work whilst on Test only cycles which sucks! I will then in summer take 300-600mgs of Tren on top of the test for maybe a month before I go on holiday etc. I know its a lot, but as I'm only on it for a month I blast to get it over with asap, as it as it does make me more snappy especially if I am drinking, as I am never aggressive when drunk on just test. The month of Tren just gives me enough to get the best out of my physique before it starts to affect my personality. Also, Tren makes me so hypersexual that I cannot focus on anything at all haha.

Last year I got lean by simply walking everyday without any fat burners. I always do cardio and lower my calories to get in shape even if I use fat burners. I do like to blast DNP for a week or two in the beginning of my cut and then towards the end as it really does work miracles. I usually run T3 throughout my cut, but I never know if its real or not. I have found that for me to lose weight I have to walk everyday as simply lowering my calories isn't anywhere near as effective.

What about you?
Yeah all received, cheers!

So, I used to run big cycles, but I find now that all I really need is between 6-800mgs of test per week to get to the size I need to be at. I'm naturally quite broad, so I don't need a huge amount. Also, I run my cycles based on my hair loss protocol, so I'm pretty much stuck with Test only, as Duasteride and Fina work whilst on Test only cycles which sucks! I will then in summer take 300-600mgs of Tren on top of the test for maybe a month before I go on holiday etc. I know its a lot, but as I'm only on it for a month I blast to get it over with asap, as it as it does make me more snappy especially if I am drinking, as I am never aggressive when drunk on just test. The month of Tren just gives me enough to get the best out of my physique before it starts to affect my personality. Also, Tren makes me so hypersexual that I cannot focus on anything at all haha.

Last year I got lean by simply walking everyday without any fat burners. I always do cardio and lower my calories to get in shape even if I use fat burners. I do like to blast DNP for a week or two in the beginning of my cut and then towards the end as it really does work miracles. I usually run T3 throughout my cut, but I never know if its real or not. I have found that for me to lose weight I have to walk everyday as simply lowering my calories isn't anywhere near as effective.

What about you?
I've lost 13kgs or 28lbs in a month by practically starving myself on DNP in a month. I went down from 94kgs to 79, not back up to 81.

I'm gonna take 400mg DNP for a month once I get out the mental hospital to hopefully get me in the low 70's.

Then I'm gonna start a cycle of Test/Tren/Deca at 150-200mg each to bulk up. A lot of compounds for a second cycle, but it's only 450-600mg total. Maybe through an oral in, 10mg superdrol, 25mg anadrol.

My total dosages wont be high at all, and I'll get fewer side effects taking multiple compounds at lower dosages (probably). If you split the dosages in half you can take as many compounds as you like!

I just wanna experiment.

Btw, 200mgs of test (1mg/lbs more accurately is enough to maintain a physique)

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I'm fine on finasteride, however, I just make a shit load of DHT. I hardly aromatize at all, but the 5ar is hellacious in my body.

I think the guys who don't do well on fina don't make much DHT to begin with, but those of us who make alot are totally fine.
I've lost 13kgs or 28lbs in a month by practically starving myself on DNP in a month. I went down from 94kgs to 79, not back up to 81.

I'm gonna take 400mg DNP for a month once I get out the mental hospital to hopefully get me in the low 70's.

Then I'm gonna start a cycle of Test/Tren/Deca at 150-200mg each to bulk up. A lot of compounds for a second cycle, but it's only 450-600mg total. Maybe through an oral in, 10mg superdrol, 25mg anadrol.

My total dosages wont be high at all, and I'll get fewer side effects taking multiple compounds at lower dosages (probably). If you split the dosages in half you can take as many compounds as you like!

I just wanna experiment.

Btw, 200mgs of test (1mg/lbs more accurately is enough to maintain a physique)

Yes, 100% agree with only needing a small amount of test to maintain. It took my years to figure that out. Once I reach a certain size I drop it down to about 400mgs per week and sometimes lower. Which is why if I am in a rush or out of time to get the size on for summer before cutting, I will actually front load with say 1600mgs of test for 3 weeks or so and then once I start seeing a change I drop it down to 800ish. I know this will get a lot of controversy, but it really works well for me.

I'm at 94kg right now as I've only just started training and bulking as I have had and still have a hand injury so haven't trained for about 5 months. So, I usually get up to about 100-115kg (a lot of that is fat). Then I am usually stage ready at 84kg, so not hugeee, but it's perfect for me... and as always I get all the attention from the guys and not the girls hahahaha.

I've done all of the experimentally phases haha. I wish I could carry on, but my hair is still considered a full head of hair, just! I think because I have it under control with Dut and Rogaine haha.

Anadrol is probably one of the best and most powerful chemicals I have used. Isn't it a derivative of Tren or something?
I'm fine on finasteride, however, I just make a shit load of DHT. I hardly aromatize at all, but the 5ar is hellacious in my body.

I think the guys who don't do well on fina don't make much DHT to begin with, but those of us who make alot are totally fine.
Defo agree with this!!!
I heard 0.25mg twice a week is plenty and anything further than this is why people have bad experiences
sounds like a very conservative dose, and i'm into that (if it works). anything to back it?

my guess is that it was effective in treating MPB in grown men with naturally occurring test which is much weaker than even a mild TRT dose. all those worried about hair loss from gear, we're all playing with fire lol
sounds like a very conservative dose, and i'm into that (if it works). anything to back it?

my guess is that it was effective in treating MPB in grown men with naturally occurring test which is much weaker than even a mild TRT dose. all those worried about hair loss from gear, we're all playing with fire lol
I haven't run it myself, but I was browsing some threads and a very reputable member mentioned this. I'm literally parroting what he said to help you guys out. I just barely remembered, don't know anything really about finastride.
I think the guys who don't do well on fina don't make much DHT to begin with, but those of us who make alot are totally fine.
My DHT levels are naturally top of the reference range, got bloods done pre and during fin. Fin lowered my DHT by exactly 70%, which is what you see on the studies at the dose of around 1mg+. I got massive sides from fin however.
sounds like a very conservative dose, and i'm into that (if it works). anything to back it?

my guess is that it was effective in treating MPB in grown men with naturally occurring test which is much weaker than even a mild TRT dose. all those worried about hair loss from gear, we're all playing with fire lol
@Habib Is correct, it all to do with the half life and you can actually work it out by looking at the chart of the half life. 0.25 every 2-3 days will work when natural or no TRT and if you are not massively sensitive to MPB. If are taking TRT or more, then 1mg/1.25mg a day is your best bet, this all comes from a hair transplant surgeon who did my buddies hair transplant. Anything more and I believe it's diminishing returns and only useful for prostate issues. If you want to get 90%+ of your DHT slashed, then Dutasteride is what you need. I am on this and fine. I actually think since being on Dut my sex drive has started to increase slightly. I defo nut harder than when I first started Dut a few months ago.

As always it is trial and error haha! If only we didn't need to worry about our pissing hair!!! We are about to move to Mars on Elon's rocket taxi's, yet we still haven't got a cure for MPB!!!