Success story on Finasteride and Dutasteride - Only ever hear bad stuff.

My DHT levels are naturally top of the reference range, got bloods done pre and during fin. Fin lowered my DHT by exactly 70%, which is what you see on the studies at the dose of around 1mg+. I got massive sides from fin however.
The sides... were you on anything at the time or were you natty?
I've lost 13kgs or 28lbs in a month by practically starving myself on DNP in a month. I went down from 94kgs to 79, not back up to 81.

I'm gonna take 400mg DNP for a month once I get out the mental hospital to hopefully get me in the low 70's.

Then I'm gonna start a cycle of Test/Tren/Deca at 150-200mg each to bulk up. A lot of compounds for a second cycle, but it's only 450-600mg total. Maybe through an oral in, 10mg superdrol, 25mg anadrol.

My total dosages wont be high at all, and I'll get fewer side effects taking multiple compounds at lower dosages (probably). If you split the dosages in half you can take as many compounds as you like!

I just wanna experiment.

Btw, 200mgs of test (1mg/lbs more accurately is enough to maintain a physique)

I know you mentioned you are in a mental hospital, I am sure this is extremely personal as to why you are there. I was always told by the older guys, "do not take tren if you are in a relationship". You can probably guess what happened to my relationship haha. I have ADHD, but I have never been aggressive... I always said to myself in an arrogant/ignorant way "tren will never affect me blah blah blah, I'll be fine I've done high doses of test etc". Boy was I wrong! It slowly over time changes your personality and when you realise that you are a different person, it is too late and the damage is done. I was never ever violent apart from when guys would grab my best mates Mrs butt on nights out, as this used to happen a lot as she had a savage booty, so a few drunken scraps from protecting, but I was so angry all the time and snappy. I even got out the car at someone who literally flashed me in a supermarket car park at night as I was pulling out of my space, turns out the poor guy was flashing me to let me out and not flashing me for allegedly cutting him up which is what I thought..... and as I was confronting him I realised he went to my gym. I was so embarrassed! However, I did try an SSRI citalopram and that helped me massively! Almost instantly stopped all my anger and snappiness. So, it might be worth a shot, unless you are on any other psych meds... just a thought as you mentioned you are in a psyche ward! I hope you get well soon brother. Always here if you need a chat as I have suffered with anxiety and depression. Us guys are now becoming more understanding of mental health and as you can see I can chat for days with my long ass posts haha!!!
I know you mentioned you are in a mental hospital, I am sure this is extremely personal as to why you are there. I was always told by the older guys, "do not take tren if you are in a relationship". You can probably guess what happened to my relationship haha. I have ADHD, but I have never been aggressive... I always said to myself in an arrogant/ignorant way "tren will never affect me blah blah blah, I'll be fine I've done high doses of test etc". Boy was I wrong! It slowly over time changes your personality and when you realise that you are a different person, it is too late and the damage is done. I was never ever violent apart from when guys would grab my best mates Mrs butt on nights out, as this used to happen a lot as she had a savage booty, so a few drunken scraps from protecting, but I was so angry all the time and snappy. I even got out the car at someone who literally flashed me in a supermarket car park at night as I was pulling out of my space, turns out the poor guy was flashing me to let me out and not flashing me for allegedly cutting him up which is what I thought..... and as I was confronting him I realised he went to my gym. I was so embarrassed! However, I did try an SSRI citalopram and that helped me massively! Almost instantly stopped all my anger and snappiness. So, it might be worth a shot, unless you are on any other psych meds... just a thought as you mentioned you are in a psyche ward! I hope you get well soon brother. Always here if you need a chat as I have suffered with anxiety and depression. Us guys are now becoming more understanding of mental health and as you can see I can chat for days with my long ass posts haha!!!
Yeah I'm really thinking about taking Tren but I'll only be doing about 150mg. My mental health has really taken a decline but it's looking better. I keep feeling like there is a wire in my head and it's so hard not to talk about it. I felt that way since 19. I suffer with a lot of anxiety and depression and will hopefully in the next 6 months be perscribed an anti-depressant. I should be out in a few weeks. I got a lawyer and they said I should sue.

I talked to a doctor yesterday about TRT, and all he wants to do is perscribe me clomid like that's gonna change a test level of 8.25. I suffer ED issues and depression. They don't wanna perscribe me try because of my age. I'm not gonna take the clomid so I show up a low as possible on the blood tests. I'm really sick and tired on the UK's National Health service's backwards mentality on TRT.
Yeah I'm really thinking about taking Tren but I'll only be doing about 150mg. My mental health has really taken a decline but it's looking better. I keep feeling like there is a wire in my head and it's so hard not to talk about it. I felt that way since 19. I suffer with a lot of anxiety and depression and will hopefully in the next 6 months be perscribed an anti-depressant. I should be out in a few weeks. I got a lawyer and they said I should sue.

I talked to a doctor yesterday about TRT, and all he wants to do is perscribe me clomid like that's gonna change a test level of 8.25. I suffer ED issues and depression. They don't wanna perscribe me try because of my age. I'm not gonna take the clomid so I show up a low as possible on the blood tests. I'm really sick and tired on the UK's National Health service's backwards mentality on TRT.
That sucks mate! I hope everything gets sorted and you recover or at least manage any issues.

I would personally try going to a private GP, but do everything you can to crash your test levels. I'm sure there is info online to crash your levels, but I believe its an elimination process of trying this, then trying that, then trying everything before they allow you to take TRT. How old are you?
That sucks mate! I hope everything gets sorted and you recover or at least manage any issues.

I would personally try going to a private GP, but do everything you can to crash your test levels. I'm sure there is info online to crash your levels, but I believe its an elimination process of trying this, then trying that, then trying everything before they allow you to take TRT. How old are you?
im 21
1mg finasteride is fine for me literally no difference to mood or sex drive but Im on TRT. Fina is not a cure neither is duta but it has slowed the shedding significantly. Can take tonnes of test on it but I don't really fuck with anything else as the fina has bad effects but I'm experimenting with low dose ment now ...let's see how it goes...
The sides... were you on anything at the time or were you natty?
When on cycle my libido is higher, but when off cycle my libido is lower. However, this has been the case for years after taking my first 1-2 cycles. So, yeah I defo have more sex drive on cycle with Fina than off cycle, but that is purely down to me screwing up my own test levels from taking gear. I didn’t start taking fina or dut until at least 6 years of gear and nothing has changed basically