Sunrise Pharma

@lifter6973 is one of those dudes that can kick your ass to outer space so I would not go there...

You seem to be rather thick and these other posters just made you look real stupid. Grow a pair along with a brain!
Just about the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.
Well, honestly no one ever really says anything about me or to me which is why of course I have my fingers express my mental instability across the keyboard which hey, its better than in person.
Plenty of bros here including you can hand this lickingcrack34 clown his ass though.
Just about the nicest thing anyone has ever said about me.
Well, honestly no one ever really says anything about me or to me which is why of course I have my fingers express my mental instability across the keyboard which hey, its better than in person.
Plenty of bros here including you can hand this lickingcrack34 clown his ass though.
I've taken my share of shit from the hater peanut gallery everywhere but I just soldier on.

You took a lot of shit over at ASF for speaking your mind truth to power and it's people like Runningback32 that really will be fodder for the shill-killers as this is what he's doing...shilling.
Says the guy who googled photos of a lab for us to identify all the items in the picture.

You don't know what ;icensed GMP means its a licensed lab that is not risking opsec by existing as its...wait for it.....licensed!

Plenty of us in here know exactly what equipment is used, how it's brewed or even have done it themselves before. You're just claiming everyone else is getting worked up as you freak out and use low IQ insults and assume everyone doesn't know what lab equipment is because you don't.
You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. Everyone thinks they know what a lab looks like and have zero clue on how anything works.
Go ahead, and explain how an autoclave works shit for brains, , and explain each of the settings? Here is where your sub 80 IQ comes in.. lol
Projecting again bro, let it go. Say it out loud and proud for us. No one wants to meet you at the Starbucks.
You're too chicken shit. All talk. Maybe we can discuss how to brew and make capsules? Still waiting for your explanation on an autoclave and what the settings are for?
You're too chicken shit. All talk. Maybe we can discuss how to brew and make capsules? Still waiting for your explanation on an autoclave and what the settings are for?
Listen 20IQ Andy just cause the big words are confusing to you doesn't mean the rest of us on the forums don't understand, especially with something like a fucking autoclave used for sterilization. Ever been to the dentist or surgery? Autoclave. That concludes the lessons for idiots 101 today.
Listen 20IQ Andy just cause the big words are confusing to you doesn't mean the rest of us on the forums don't understand, especially with something like a fucking autoclave used for sterilization. Ever been to the dentist or surgery? Autoclave. That concludes the lessons for idiots 101 today.
no shit it is for sterilization. Your 150+ IQ is really showing off.
You think you just put some instruments in an autoclave, and press start shit for brains?
no shit it is for sterilization. Your 150+ IQ is really showing off.
You think you just put some instruments in an autoclave, and press start shit for brains?

I'm sorry you can go google your own tutorials I have no idea what angle your getting at here? You're testing my knowledge on operating an autoclave officer runningback or what?
I'm sorry you can go google your own tutorials I have no idea what angle your getting at here? You're testing my knowledge on operating an autoclave officer runningback or what?

Just press start shit for brains..LOL
There are settings on an a/c.. Obviously your stupidity is showing off. Claim to have seen an a/c, what in your dentist office? BWAHAHA..
Just press start shit for brains..LOL
There are settings on an a/c.. Obviously your stupidity is showing off. Claim to have seen an a/c, what in your dentist office? BWAHAHA..
Ok you've gone full retard. I can't even decipher your retarded comments anymore are you saying that dentist offices don't use autoclaves? Or are you just full retard acting like I have to have stood in an UGL lab and looked at an autoclave to be credible and nowhere else?

It just wooshed over your head cause you're a 20IQ Andy, it was sarcasm meaning you're asking dumb trivial ass questions that don't test anyones knowledge but put your stupidity on display.

Way too many concussions in your highschool golden days runningback. The entire forum just rags on you, take a hint.