New Member
I really hope your sdrol is underdosed as 5mg a day for a female is VERY high. Undesirable sides should hit you fairly quickly in the next week or so. Your fatigue is the result of too high of a dose and number 1 complaint and result of high doses. Even men, shouldn't run more than 20mg a day.(as comparison, men usually handle 10x the dose we use) You don't have to run yourself to the ground with high doses or risk injury. I'm actually quite surprised that you haven't experienced insane stomach pains and cramps plus "Charlie horse" type of leg pains at night yet with that dose.
My recommendation would be to drop back down. Always run the smallest dose that's effective with no sides. Much safer that way and better/quicker recovery post cycle.
Surprisingly, I haven’t had any undesirable side effects. My appetite has gotten better after a week. I eat every three hours and make sure I’m drinking about a gallon of water a day. I’ve modified my macros to ensure I’m getting enough food for this cycle. The only major side effect that I’ve experienced was the fatigue.