SuperQuality Steroids

essere onesti si fa a lavorare per loro? In caso contrario, per quanto tempo hai usato i loro attrezzi?


Poi non capisco il perché se qualcuno rilascia un feedback positivo, deve essere per forza un loro collaboratore. Questo thred a cosa serve? Qui si possono rilasciare feedback oppure no? Se non si possono rilasciare feedback, non pubblicherò mai più i prossimi test che farò su questo Brand. Mi tengo tutto per me. Nessun problema [emoji6]

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Poi non capisco il perché se qualcuno rilascia un feedback positivo, deve essere per forza un loro collaboratore. Questo thred a cosa serve? Qui si possono rilasciare feedback oppure no? Se non si possono rilasciare feedback, non pubblicherò mai più i prossimi test che farò su questo Brand. Mi tengo tutto per me. Nessun problema [emoji6]

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si tratta di una scheda diversa, è possibile inviare la vostra esperienza, ma fare in modo che si dispone di dati di carta per copia di backup quando si effettua il backup di una fonte.

la gente si avvitati molto qui negli Stati Uniti. dire loro la vostra esperienza e dire che il suo solo la vostra esperienza, niente di più.


P.S. Sorry, not trying to high jack this thread in a foreign language. This guy means well and it's easier to talk to him in his native tongue.

I'll continue in PM.
I was following this thread and decided to buy SQS Sust 300 and D-bol from Anabolx. The price was reasonable and the delivery appears to be solid to the USA using USPS priority mail with tracking. I just ordered today. I'll provided some updates as to when I receive my order and how the products work.

I am new to this forum but I have been following it on and off for some years. I've been lifting for 15 years.
32 years old
~16-18% bf

This will be my first cycle.
I was following this thread and decided to buy SQS Sust 300 and D-bol from Anabolx. The price was reasonable and the delivery appears to be solid to the USA using USPS priority mail with tracking. I just ordered today. I'll provided some updates as to when I receive my order and how the products work.

I am new to this forum but I have been following it on and off for some years. I've been lifting for 15 years.
32 years old
~16-18% bf

This will be my first cycle.
You need to go the the New Members thread and do a proper intro for yourself. I've said this before, your missing out on way to much knowledge by not doing it. You will get a feel for the board and meeting some great members.
Recently I ordered a lot from the lab and got nothing i ordered oct 17 they gave me tracking info that never made it to the states I've been going back and forth with them since and won't reship they offers discounts on future orders and some free stuff they said package was "lost" in us but never made it to customs be careful guys I'm out a lot of doh on this
Recently I ordered a lot from the lab and got nothing i ordered oct 17 they gave me tracking info that never made it to the states I've been going back and forth with them since and won't reship they offers discounts on future orders and some free stuff they said package was "lost" in us but never made it to customs be careful guys I'm out a lot of doh on this
Shitty to hear that news. Oh thanks for bumping this thread just stumbled on a classic funny Meso moment lol

Okay Meek I don't know why your pic comes up only linked to several gay and tranny Plenty of Fish profile pages when reverse image searched, but what I do know is that you have a very punchable face.

But hey i'm not judging.

Meek is a gay masseuse looking for a man on POF.

Recently I ordered a lot from the lab and got nothing i ordered oct 17 they gave me tracking info that never made it to the states I've been going back and forth with them since and won't reship they offers discounts on future orders and some free stuff they said package was "lost" in us but never made it to customs be careful guys I'm out a lot of doh on this

from where it was shipped your order?

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