Suppression thoughts (PCT)

I have 2 questions here. Ill explain in my post. Aye yall. I recently read the book Anabolics 10th edition. As many of you probably already know its a free pdf online. I read it front to back and have gone back for reference numerous times. I am planning on doing a test/dbol (maybe instead tbol) cycle @ 500 mg of Test E for 12 weeks and 30 mg of Dbol for 4 weeks. I understand the Half-lives ect. Still on the fence, if I want to use Arimidex or Aromasin. I know Aromasin is better on the cholesterol but is alot more expensive. Does anyone have any recommendations on an AI? On to my next question. The pct. I saw that Dr. Scullys pct protocol was in there and it truly made sense to me. Using hcg the nolva and the clomid. But I see many experienced users just going with clomid and nolvadex or even just one or the other. My cycle is obviously not mild but on the lower end of the spectrum of risks involved. I know I will be completely suppressed during this cycle, This is my first cycle, and I want to be sure I am doing things correctly and efficiently. I feel as if I would be putting to much into my body for a pct after a first cycle IF I were to use the protocol that calls for hcg nolva and clomid, If anyone could offer some insight to this I would appreciate it. Thanks. (I have posted asking about this before, I want more scientific detail this time around and reasoning, I have a much deeper understanding about all fo this now and feel much more comfortable.)
Personally I think you're over thinking it but... Stats...genetics...predisposition to how gear affects you will govern whether or not you need a mild or agressive pct. will have taxed your natural hormone profile...and if over time you decide to stick with the lifestyle you will put a dent in your capacity to achieve a decent homeostasis after a cycle. PCT and on cycle management can help but where you want to go in the long term may govern the outcome.

Ive tried all methods...nolva Clomid hcg with different protocols...and each time I cycle it takes longer to get back to baseline...but I'm natural decline is imminent...and I really dont care since I cruise.

One cycle imo...needs nothing more than nolva but I'm sure others will disagree...ymmv.
Personally I think you're over thinking it but... Stats...genetics...predisposition to how gear affects you will govern whether or not you need a mild or agressive pct. will have taxed your natural hormone profile...and if over time you decide to stick with the lifestyle you will put a dent in your capacity to achieve a decent homeostasis after a cycle. PCT and on cycle management can help but where you want to go in the long term may govern the outcome.

Ive tried all methods...nolva Clomid hcg with different protocols...and each time I cycle it takes longer to get back to baseline...but I'm natural decline is imminent...and I really dont care since I cruise.

One cycle imo...needs nothing more than nolva but I'm sure others will disagree...ymmv.
Awesome reply. I figured that was a more advanced pct protocol due to the amount of things involved. I have a tendency to over think. Makes me a little more comfortable hearing the reasoning behind your thoughts. Appreciate it.
Do testosterone only for your first cycle so you can see how your body reacts to it.

Did that book have information for advanced users or was it just basic information about AAS?
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Test only cycles are in check...underrated.

Dbol is a nice kick start but orals kill my internals. Lowest dose needed...less is more.
SOrry for double post just thought id get some better feed back here :) Currently plan is to take 20 mg of Nolva once per day for 40 days and then 75 mg of clomid split up twice a day(Morn/night) for 25 days. It will take around 2 weeks after my last injection for my test to lower back to normal ranges after 500 mg for 12 weeks so start PCT 2 weeks after the last injection or too soon?

. Aye yall. I recently read the book Anabolics 10th edition. As many of you probably already know its a free pdf online. I read it front to back and have gone back for reference numerous times. I am planning on doing a test/dbol (maybe instead tbol) cycle @ 500 mg of Test E for 12 weeks and 30 mg of Dbol for 4 weeks. I understand the Half-lives ect. Still on the fence, if I want to use arimidex or aromasin. I know Aromasin is better on the cholesterol but is alot more expensive. Does anyone have any recommendations on an AI? On to my next question. The pct. I saw that Dr. Scullys pct protocol was in there and it truly made sense to me. Using hcg the nolvaand the clomid. But I see many experienced users just going with clomid and nolvadex or even just one or the other. My cycle is obviously not mild but on the lower end of the spectrum of risks involved. I know I will be completely suppressed during this cycle, This is my first cycle, and I want to be sure I am doing things correctly and efficiently. I feel as if I would be putting to much into my body for a pct after a first cycle IF I were to use the protocol that calls for hcg nolva and clomid, If anyone could offer some insight to this I would appreciate it. Thanks. (I have posted asking about this before, I want more scientific detail this time around and reasoning, I have a much deeper understanding about all fo this now and feel much more comfortable.)

^^^ your clearance time for pct to start working is more like 3 weeks- closer to 30 day:(

I found it better to start serms early at the 2 week time — but then just run em 6-8 weeks — rather then 30
Start early - go longer

Just for mental game— around 14 days is when u start crashing and feeling less like Superman —- start loosing pumps in the mirror— so mentally i used to start serms then— make me feel like I’m doing something.

Scallys- pct is a sure fire way to get pct nailed down.

BUT - I’ve always liked the try one substance before trying another scenario.
Example if your taking clomid and Nolvadex it could be hard to decide for you to know which one to cut or lower

Pct #1 just Nolvadex

Pct #2 just clomid
(If you liked Nolvadex skip clomid)

Pct #3 with one worked the best or now both

^^^ just my opinion
I just like Nolvadex and boner pills:)
Clomid sucks @anything over 25mg a day— I don’t see how some can handle it:(

Study man and try some stuff out:)

Disclaimer- PCT sucks and now I’m a lifetime needle poker.
i dont recommend. but i didnt even do a pct this last cycle.
i dropped the dose from 500 to 250. and cruised on 250 for a month. then stopped.

its been at least 6-7 weeks and my balls dropped back down
im 26
i was going to start taking nolva after 4 weeks cuz i was running sustanon. but decided to wait it out.

^^^ your clearance time for pct to start working is more like 3 weeks- closer to 30 day:(

I found it better to start serms early at the 2 week time — but then just run em 6-8 weeks — rather then 30
Start early - go longer

Just for mental game— around 14 days is when u start crashing and feeling less like Superman —- start loosing pumps in the mirror— so mentally i used to start serms then— make me feel like I’m doing something.

Scallys- pct is a sure fire way to get pct nailed down.

BUT - I’ve always liked the try one substance before trying another scenario.
Example if your taking clomid and Nolvadex it could be hard to decide for you to know which one to cut or lower

Pct #1 just Nolvadex

Pct #2 just clomid
(If you liked Nolvadex skip clomid)

Pct #3 with one worked the best or now both

^^^ just my opinion
I just like Nolvadex and boner pills:)
Clomid sucks @anything over 25mg a day— I don’t see how some can handle it:(

Study man and try some stuff out:)

Disclaimer- PCT sucks and now I’m a lifetime needle poker.
Thank you! That’s my thing. I have low test to begin with so I’m very curious to what I’ll end up with after. Honestly I don’t think I’d mind pinning for a better quality of life. The pct part I agree I used a calculator and have it written down by the time all mgs of test is out of my system. So we shall see. But I see so many different dosages people use. I’m also afraid I will take way to long to bounce back using only nolva. But I am willing to brave the sides when it’s time and figure it out.
i dont recommend. but i didnt even do a pct this last cycle.
i dropped the dose from 500 to 250. and cruised on 250 for a month. then stopped.

its been at least 6-7 weeks and my balls dropped back down
im 26
i was going to start taking nolva after 4 weeks cuz i was running sustanon. but decided to wait it out.
So you stopped cold turkey and everything seems to be working for now? Have you gotten bloods. Just curious
Thank you! That’s my thing. I have low test to begin with so I’m very curious to what I’ll end up with after. Honestly I don’t think I’d mind pinning for a better quality of life. The pct part I agree I used a calculator and have it written down by the time all mgs of test is out of my system. So we shall see. But I see so many different dosages people use. I’m also afraid I will take way to long to bounce back using only nolva. But I am willing to brave the sides when it’s time and figure it out.

You have low test now? Like @ where u at?
Sorry to hear that —

There’s things you can do like low dose AI, low dose clomid... and others to try and raise your natural T

I was any where from 275- to low/mid 300’s
Cycling was my way of tip toeing around trt..

If you start low like that — prepare your self for loosing gains and long recovery’s

And if your crazy enough to do it — use dr scallys protocol.
(Kinda changes everything)

PCT is going to SUCK for you
Sorry to hear that —

There’s things you can do like low dose AI, low dose clomid... and others to try and raise your natural T

I was any where from 275- to low/mid 300’s
Cycling was my way of tip toeing around trt..

If you start low like that — prepare your self for loosing gains and long recovery’s

And if your crazy enough to do it — use dr scallys protocol.
(Kinda changes everything)

PCT is going to SUCK for you
This is exactly why I’m considering a cruise. I figured it would. I tried to do it through docs but in my area strict rule of not touching anyone under 23 yet they say I may be a good candidate for some type of help. Kinda sick of feeling like shit :) if it gives me a better quality of life I would more than willing pin once a week for life