Sustanon 250 cycle


New Member
Hello brothers

Monday I decided to start my first cycle. I injected approx 250mg into my delt, I was pretty nervous. I felt it hurt and bruise within like two minutes. I massaged it and heat padded it for a bit and my whole arm felt hot and slightly tingly after about 10 minutes after the shot; which lasted a min or two then went away. On Mon. night I felt like shit; sluggish and drained and shitty. My arm felt bruised for a couple days. At about day 2 1/2 it started to turn red below near my outer bicep area. Today is Thurs. it's a little red still but the bruise feels almost gone now. This morning I tried the glute with a 23g 1 1/2" needle. I didn't asperate on either shots because it just seems so fucking hard to asperate; I feel like the needle will move and fuck my shit up hard. Same thing on the glutes, my ass hurt within minutes and feels bruised. I do feel good pumps at the gym. I've been going pretty hard. I also decided to put my ego aside and instead of lifting heavy, I'm lightening the weight up a bit and really focusing on the contraction and perfect form.

