sustanon 250 first cycle


New Member
Hey so I decide to run my first course of sustanon 250. I'm 24 and been lifting since 18-19 and been wanting to run a cycle for a while now. I got all my chambers, picks and pct. Iv been told by the local gym buddy's to do half of ml EOD to get good results for a first cycle. I got rui products for my pct which is liquid clomi, liquid tamox and liquidex. Iv been told that if I get symptoms on then use the liquidex and pct use the clomi and shouldn't of bothered buying the tamox.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
No offense bro but you really should have gone with a straight Test E or C cycle imo. Then you could see how your body reacts to that ONE particular compound alone. You would have only had to pin twice a week 1ml at a time. I'm not much on pinning 4 times a wk. Ill do it but would much rather run long esters myself. You should have came here an studied first my man before jumping into a sus cycle right off the bat. Oh well , live an learn lol. Good luck though bro.
IMO you'll be fine running the sust. You could still pin every 3rd day at 1ml and get great results. .5ml EOD probably isn't necessary. It would take advantage of the short esters and may lessen sides somewhat but my concern would lie more in PCT timing. Plot it out and do it correctly. All the tools are available. Be smart.
Ye thanks, Yes I got everything for pct just checking on what I got told is correct. This site is great for answers, a lot better than the blokes at the gym.
Ye thanks, Yes I got everything for pct just checking on what I got told is correct. This site is great for answers, a lot better than the blokes at the gym.
I ran British Dragon Andropen 275 my first cycle. It was a five blend of testosterone, fire shit. 30 lbs in 12 weeks.... Lost most of it with a shit PCT.
I ran British Dragon Andropen 275 my first cycle. It was a five blend of testosterone, fire shit. 30 lbs in 12 weeks.... Lost most of it with a shit PCT.

Yea that's not what I want to happen lol, seen blokes in the gym blow up shrink then leave lol im probly gonna go clomi and tamox 2 weeks after last pin
Yea that's not what I want to happen lol, seen blokes in the gym blow up shrink then leave lol im probly gonna go clomi and tamox 2 weeks after last pin
Your next run, try a single ester and compare how you like it with sust. Sust always gave me up and down energy and unstable libido and is the only compound I get a little acne from.
So i just done my 4th pin and my ass is so corked haha i can't sit down properly, looks like I been ass raped lol, thinking of pinning my quads, any other suggestio. Or just man up and push though
I hate to say it but your quads will probably hurt more than your ass,
the good news is the virgin muscle will get used to the pins ,
Hey so I decide to run my first course of sustanon 250. I'm 24 and been lifting since 18-19 and been wanting to run a cycle for a while now. I got all my chambers, picks and pct. Iv been told by the local gym buddy's to do half of ml EOD to get good results for a first cycle. I got rui products for my pct which is liquid clomi, liquid tamox and liquidex. Iv been told that if I get symptoms on then use the liquidex and pct use the clomi and shouldn't of bothered buying the tamox.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated
250ml ? Lol its a child dosage, go for 500 for big ass gainz, or ur max gain will be 3kg pure muscle
I really dont think alot of people know how to run sustanon right.Its better to use a shot of about 2ml or more every 8-10 days.It was ment to be a sustained release blend.Was not created to be used ed,eod etc..hence the reason why many experience uneven levels and sides.
I really dont think alot of people know how to run sustanon right.Its better to use a shot of about 2ml or more every 8-10 days.It was ment to be a sustained release blend.Was not created to be used ed,eod etc..hence the reason why many experience uneven levels and sides.

I was told to pin more often to limit the uneven levels and sides?
And for my first course 500ml a week is I think enough to see how my body reacts and so far I'm happy but I only 3 weeks in so should start to see more.