Sustanon raw powder, cook all together for more accurate testosterone ester mixing?

Hey guys, the last 2x I have ordered sustanon and brewed up several batches, it’s usually the last batch I brew before I have to re up where people start getting PIP. The first couple batches are always smoother than butter with no post injection pain, but the last 2x where it’s the last batch of the rest of the sustanon powder it starts causing issues with post injection pain and some swelling and soreness. I’m wondering if this means that overtime the different esters might possibly settle towards the bottom of the bag (like test prop) and by the time I get to the bottom there is a higher concentration of say test prop which I can assume causes more PIP than the other esters. I’m starting to think just cooking it all in one go, or ordering each different ester in their own forms to mix myself would help prevent this issue?
Anyone have any similar experiences or recommendations?
That's an interesting observation. I've heard Test E raws result in PIP inducing batches as they degrade.

If it is degradation, I'd assume getting the compound into oil along with the BA would halt that process. Whether it's settling or degradation, doing it all at once would seem the logical way to get the initial smooth brew and ensure it stays that way as long as possible.
That's an interesting observation. I've heard Test E raws result in PIP inducing batches as they degrade.

If it is degradation, I'd assume getting the compound into oil along with the BA would halt that process. Whether it's settling or degradation, doing it all at once would seem the logical way to get the initial smooth brew and ensure it stays that way as long as possible.
I thought about the degradation as well, however I dont think I keep the raws that long at all maybe a couple of months and I have them vacuum sealed at room temp 68-69°F
I thought about the degradation as well, however I dont think I keep the raws that long at all maybe a couple of months and I have them vacuum sealed at room temp 68-69°F

I think the E pip issue so widespread now it might have more to do with how the raws were handled before end users got them. Or maybe they make a huge batch in one run that sits around in aging in those cardboard drums Chinese chem factories love so much.
Double bagged in the fridge is a good place to store. Even at room temp, I've had them turn to a solid block that requires being cut, or thick honey.
Do an experiment. 1 bag room temp, 1 bag in fridge, and brew a whole bag all at once. Lmk
I think the E pip issue so widespread now it might have more to do with how the raws were handled before end users got them. Or maybe they make a huge batch in one run that sits around in aging in those cardboard drums Chinese chem factories love so much.
This topic has been addressed multiple times over the years. I even made a video on YouTube years ago explaining what happened. This community had some very cool people over the years and they were able to track down the exact cause. Long story short we stopped using Test E. Test is Test, if one ester is a problem then use a different one, problem solved.

But if you're so inclined to use it add something else in the barrel to take some of the bite off.

Test E melts at room temperature. I've never gotten Sus in soild form, it's always arrived melted.

What it sounds like with the Sus is the powders separated at some point and he's getting mostly the pipy ester at the end of that batch of raws. But who knows. Order a smaller batch of raws or brew it all at the same time or don't brew Sus. Sus normally has pip and that's going back to the 90s for me, so can Primo.

I know a guy who cries about pip from Tren A and I get none, I get pip from Test E every time.

I've seen dozens of comments "I never get pip from test E" cool story bro. How do you know it's not test C? I've seen zero reports of pip from Test C and Test D and it can be pushed to 400mg or higher.
This topic has been addressed multiple times over the years. I even made a video on YouTube years ago explaining what happened. This community had some very cool people over the years and they were able to track down the exact cause. Long story short we stopped using Test E. Test is Test, if one ester is a problem then use a different one, problem solved.

But if you're so inclined to use it add something else in the barrel to take some of the bite off.

Test E melts at room temperature. I've never gotten Sus in soild form, it's always arrived melted.

What it sounds like with the Sus is the powders separated at some point and he's getting mostly the pipy ester at the end of that batch of raws. But who knows. Order a smaller batch of raws or brew it all at the same time or don't brew Sus. Sus normally has pip and that's going back to the 90s for me, so can Primo.

I know a guy who cries about pip from Tren A and I get none, I get pip from Test E every time.

I've seen dozens of comments "I never get pip from test E" cool story bro. How do you know it's not test C? I've seen zero reports of pip from Test C and Test D and it can be pushed to 400mg or higher.

Thanks, that's amazing insight I'd never get outside of Mesa.

My advice to those complaining about Test E pip has been the same. Though I assumed the degradation thing was credible, I suppose it doesn't really matter, the answer is the same, use cyp, because as you said, there's never pip reported with it.
Thanks, that's amazing insight I'd never get outside of Mesa.

My advice to those complaining about Test E pip has been the same. Though I assumed the degradation thing was credible, I suppose it doesn't really matter, the answer is the same, use cyp, because as you said, there's never pip reported with it.
You're welcome.

I'll try to rehash it real quick just to keep it fresh with active members. Back in 2017 the manufacturing process changed in China.

It's the use of Phenol acid or Carbolic acid in the manufacturing process and Delta 6 contamination. You could put one of those into the search and pull up the topics. Has something changed since then? хуй знает (I don't know)

It doesn't matter the carrier oil.
It doesn't matter the pin size.
It doesn't matter if you heat it.
It doesn't matter if it's refiltered.
It doesn't matter if it's UGL.
It doesn't matter if it's homebrewed.

As of June 2024 I wouldn't use Testosterone Enanthate unless it was the only option.
You're welcome.

I'll try to rehash it real quick just to keep it fresh with active members. Back in 2017 the manufacturing process changed in China.

It's the use of Phenol acid or Carbolic acid in the manufacturing process and Delta 6 contamination. You could put one of those into the search and pull up the topics. Has something changed since then? хуй знает (I don't know)

It doesn't matter the carrier oil.
It doesn't matter the pin size.
It doesn't matter if you heat it.
It doesn't matter if it's refiltered.
It doesn't matter if it's UGL.
It doesn't matter if it's homebrewed.

As of June 2024 I wouldn't use Testosterone Enanthate unless it was the only option.

Man you just covered every single standard response to "Test E gives me PIP" that's still in circulation to this day. I just read someone offering the "warm it up" advice yet again, but now I'm armed with the facts.
From the same Test E pip does not exist. Although they may be using Chinese ingredients. I don't know. But then castor oil.IMG_3134.jpeg