Switching from NPP to Deca mid-blast - anyone done it?


New Member
Hi chaps. Currently on 300/300/300 test/mast/npp. Really enjoying it.
I've been randomly gifted a couple bottles of deca, and was wondering if it were possible to switch esters mid-blast?
Has anyone done it? Any tips on doing it smoothly?
Or would it be better to stick out with the NPP as I am and save the Deca for a future blast?

Cheers guys.
Done it before. Not gonna do it again. Deca is a different beast all together. And 2 vials ain't gonna do shit in the span they would last you
If you're getting results with what you're currently doing, why insert an unnecessary change?
Good point.

Just a thought experiment, as I was looking at all the vials thinking 'they're all nandrolone, right?'

But yeah, if it aint broke don't fix it.