Tanked mood. Pls Help. TNE high to low crash or e2 crash ?


Hi guys

TLDR : tanked my mood today. Not sure if it’s from TNE up and down or from crashing e2?

I’m curious what is the mechanism of why crashing e2 can cause depression so quickly ?

My understanding is that low estrogen causes a drop in serotonin and that’s the primary mechanism. And yet I’m on serotonin latch meds (similar to SSRI ) and you’d expect this would put a floor on the mood. Or maybe it does and the low would be that much worse.

Anyway. I finally got a doc willing to rx me pharma Aromasin. I’ve been using pharma arimidex for a year and last month have been using Aromasin raws and like it much brtter than A’dex and finally cracked open the pharma bottle and took the dose I’ve been taking. Everything was fine this morning. But by this evening I’m bearish on my life in general. Want a divorce. Etc etc.

The only thing that’s changed today are two things.

1) I switched my test home brew blend from prop/enan (30/70% split ) to TNE/prop /enan (10/50/40). I never felt a crash during the day but maybe the mood has something to do with the TNE up and down ?

2) using pharma Aromasin for the first time. I’m a heavy aromatizer and running 250 test with almost a gram of primo plus daily 250 hcg. Ran bloods at 250 test / 600 primo /250 hcg + 10mg daily Aromasin (raws ) three weeks ago and e2 was 90). Bumped primo to almost a gram. Kept all the same and mood has been fine.

I haven’t been irritable at all. Something happened to me today and just made me so depressed about my state etc. usually low e2 made me irritable as well. But I’m not sure now.

Anyway. I haven’t taken anything at all yet to remedy this. I’ve got HCG or home brewed estradiol Valerate. Pinning 0.1 mg can bump bloods by I think 30 pg. not the point now. Just wondering what you guys think ? Could this have been a high and low crash from TNE or switching to pharma Aromasin ? (Took half a 25mg pill, whereas I’ve been taking about 10mg of Aromasin raws daily for last couple of weeks.

Thank you very much.
Are you pinning daily? With tne in your blend Id want to be pinning twice daily honestly. Also you should go get bloodwork but honestly Id just go back to what you were doing before this mood crash. It’s not worth it especially if the depression is as bad as you say and it’s causing you to want a divorce. Don’t screw your life up in pursuit of a quicker ester
Dude. Come on.

A doctor rxed you pharma aromasin and you are using aromasin raws?

Let it runs it's course. Seems like you are running a bunch of unnecessary stuff
Dude. Come on.

A doctor rxed you pharma aromasin and you are using aromasin raws?

Let it runs it's course. Seems like you are running a bunch of unnecessary stuff

I got the raws before the doctor rx. Took me a year to find a doc who’d rx the Aromasin instead of arimidex.

I need the AI even tho I b&c primo and test. As I said, even at 250 test and 600 primo I had 90 e2.
Are you pinning daily? With tne in your blend Id want to be pinning twice daily honestly. Also you should go get bloodwork but honestly Id just go back to what you were doing before this mood crash. It’s not worth it especially if the depression is as bad as you say and it’s causing you to want a divorce. Don’t screw your life up in pursuit of a quicker ester
Thanks very much. May give this a couple of days and just see how it works. To see if it’s e2 or the intraday fluctuation of TNE.
//edit. I already pin daily. I may experiment with a more viscous carrier oil next time.
1. I dont think you are waiting enough time after changing things to get bloodwork, asin takes longer to stabalize e2 levels (keeps bringing your e2 down), primos mechanism of lowering estrogen takes weeks for the full effect to show also.

2. asin sucks, just dial it in with arimidex, its stronger, works faster and can bounce back from low e2 quicker, its just faster to dial in.

3. the way exemestane lowers estrogen seems really hard to dial in with ED dosing, IMO asin is for guys who dont aromatize alot and just want to take 12.5 like once in a while, once a week maybe twice a week. For guys who just want to take the estrogen edge off when it gets too high (cause no rebound like adex)

ED asin dosing has some sort of compounding effect with how it kills estrogen and i think its just not linear at all and hard to dial in. For me, arimidex is linear, and i can estimate how many mgs of arimidex i need per week based on my test dosage, with aromasin this is not the case at all, it is not linear.
trust me.
ive messed with aromasin for years as a high aromatizer, I never ever dialed it in, ive dosed raws with an accurate scale ED and ended up extremely crashed, ive done pharma tablets all sorts of dosing regimines , so much blood work, i could never dial it in.

I went back to arimidex like I did on my first cycle, and its a breeze, it makes sense, its linear dosing. for me, I know that 500mg test I'll need .5mg adex ED, I went to 1 gram of test and did 1mg adex ED, and it was perfect.

If i did this with asin I'd feel high estrogen for a week, then feel alright on week 2 and by week 3 it seems id have peak asin in my blood and i'd be completely crashed, then i would probably back off and probably alternate 12.5 asin and 25mg asin daily and then i would probably get gyno.

dont fall for the aromasin meme, they dont even use it in breast cancer anymore and docs still use arimidex because aromasin sucks, it just looks good on paper, asin is hard to predict and lowers estrogen less