Target Test Levels (Based on blood work) while blasting?


New Member
Been reading up in prep for a cycle and had an question I could not find an answer to. When blasting do you target by test level or feel? For instance while I was getting my TRT dialed in, my bloods on 150mg test C a week (split dose) + 400IU hcg, 15mg Arimidex came back with Test - 1483, Free Test 36.5, Estradiol 60.3. Based on this would I actually need to target up to 500mg a week, or could I potential do something like 250mg a week assuming my Test levels come back as X (unsure what the X target would be)? Or its just feel and being aware of the side effects?
Operating off feels is so much less stressful. Numbers going up? Feel good? Making solid gains? You found your dose. I don’t understand the push for such frequent and extensive blood work on trt level doses. If you’re blasting closer to a gram I get it.
I agree to an extent. For me I'm sensitive e2 my estrogen goes up to or above 70 at 150mg of just test c but I take a Ai and I'm totally fine I just hate taking AI because I notice it in my joints
I cant stand these trt people. These are steroids take them to get big if you want more sterlid takke more steroid. Sounds like you dont wsant to take more steroid so dont know what youre doing here
It highly depends on the person. I've learned that results on the scale and in the mirror matter most. A friend of mine is a genetic outlier he tests 2700ng dl mean bi weekly with 200mg test. I test about half of that. His e2 is also much higher than mine with the same dose. Thing is, he isn't growing twice as fast and he isn't twice as big as me. He probably has less androgen receptors or less sensitive ones. There are so many variables at play. Bloodwork is important to understand YOUR baseline and YOUR results with a certain dose and the side effects you experience. It's not realistic to expect that there is a magic formula. My advise is to start with a set dose and see how you feel after 4-6 weeks and do bloodwork. Then if all comes back in range and you feel good, titrate up and repeat. This way you will learn about your individual response to gear. Just my 2 cents.
It's science for sure but there are many variables you can't test for... I've done an extensive DNA test which helps to gain insights into SNP's that are correlated with muscle building. That might be an option to help you further understand your genetics. The 500mg a week test cycle is kind of meant as a benchmark that shows how you respond to supraphysiological levels of test. If your goal is to become big or compete in the future, you'll need fuck around and find out (in the safest way possible)...
It's science for sure but there are many variables you can't test for... I've done an extensive DNA test which helps to gain insights into SNP's that are correlated with muscle building. That might be an option to help you further understand your genetics. The 500mg a week test cycle is kind of meant as a benchmark that shows how you respond to supraphysiological levels of test. If your goal is to become big or compete in the future, you'll need fuck around and find out (in the safest way possible)...
Thats plan at this point, gonna do some finding out.