Telegram: 2 seriously smart brothers, billionaires, hiding in UAE. Governments want to snatch them (and got lucky, last week). Telegram is Web3.0, soo

So why is their CEO being held in France on an arrest warrant?
It's a combination of charges, some relate to money laundering conspiracy. But also, France has stringent standards for internet content (censorship) some of which overlaps with a policy since WWII to root out extremism (particularly extreme right); and given the apparent widespread horrific content on TG since they took so laissez faire an approach to censorship, all the other crimes he's being charged as an accessory to, or even worse. So they've wrapped up charges that relate to censorship failures and money laundering. The money laundering charges are more opaque; we don't know everything basically.
Charges are essentially "importing an encrypted application with registering it with the government" and "failing to cooperate with the government investigating crimes".

A unique prosecution crafted just for him.
Charges are essentially "importing an encrypted application with registering it with the government" and "failing to cooperate with the government investigating crimes".

A unique prosecution crafted just for him.

France being the land of L' Oreal: "because he's worth it".
Lots of machinations behind it.
The Russians are freaked out that war communications in Ukraine may be exposed.
Whatever, they got the concessions they wanted, so this thing is done, really.
Let's see where he travels to next, after his French residency.
I think he's got a passport from St Kitts and Nevis, so he may go get some rest and a tan, over there
France being the land of L' Oreal: "because he's worth it".
Lots of machinations behind it.
The Russians are freaked out that war communications in Ukraine may be exposed.
Whatever, they got the concessions they wanted, so this thing is done, really.
Let's see where he travels to next, after his French residency.
I think he's got a passport from St Kitts and Nevis, so he may go get some rest and a tan, over there

Not even sure how he landed in France. Maybe a "planned malfunction".

Still better off than that femme fatale Chinese spy, Fang Fang, who worked her way through some US politician's beds.

Some govt agency brought down an entire brand new 737-800 to take care of that "irritant".

Once the powers at be put a target on your back, better off not flying anywhere.
Not even sure how he landed in France. Maybe a "planned malfunction".

Still better off than that femme fatale Chinese spy, Fang Fang, who worked her way through some US politician's beds.

Some govt agency brought down an entire brand new 737-800 to take care of that "irritant".

Never one enjoying conspiracy theories, Mr Ghoul the Thai Master.
Never one enjoying conspiracy theories, Mr Ghoul the Thai Master.

Read the link. It's ABC news. The US government themselves said it was deliberate, done using a method only available to an "international actor". Yet never mentioned the presence of the woman who had a years long affair with a US congressman before fleeing to China to escape prosecution. Yet that juicy detail was never mentioned.

Everyone lost interest and the matter of a new Boeing plane falling out of the sky, not too long after the 737-Max disasters, was quickly closed.

None of this is conspiratorial.

Since Russia was brought up, how both Putin's "Chef", who led a military coup against him, was pardoned, and then his private jet exploded midair on the way home. A tragic coincidence right after forgiveness.
Never one enjoying conspiracy theories, Mr Ghoul the Thai Master.

Last thing I'll say about this. Aircraft involve so many people it's long been no secret it's government's favorite tool to get their hands on valuable target. Recall this huge coup a few months ago when Mexico's top cartel leader flew right to Texas into the waiting hands of agents?

"Hey man, let's take my private jet to the beach for the weekend!"

"Oh crap, something's broken, we have to make an emergency landing!"

Read the link. It's ABC news. The US government themselves said it was deliberate, done using a method only available to an "international actor". Yet never mentioned the presence of the woman who had a years long affair with a US congressman before fleeing to China to escape prosecution. Yet that juicy detail was never mentioned.

Everyone lost interest and the matter of a new Boeing plane falling out of the sky, not too long after the 737-Max disasters, was quickly closed.

None of this is conspiratorial.

Since Russia was brought up, how both Putin's "Chef", who led a military coup against him, was pardoned, and then his private jet exploded midair on the way home. A tragic coincidence right after forgiveness.

I did read it.
They say intentional act and mention the pilot being a nut case, potentially.
What happened to the black box?
All forgotten, like the passengers list?

As for Durov, iirc, they knew his private jet was supposed to land in France, so they were waiting for him.