Telmarsitán Got A Handle On My Hypertensive Crisis


I was in a hypertensive crisis just 5 days ago, and had probably been there for weeks, maybe even months before that. I felt a constant pressure in my eyeballs and my chest and my high stress high pressure job was intensifying my symptoms. Thanks to Meso that mess is now reversed and trending in the right direction.

I had never even heard of Telmisartán before I was referred to Meso by someone I trust on Reddit. This is a good community filled with smart people and there is a lot of good information here if you’re willing to drill down and find what you need.

I still have a ways to go before that blood pressure is under control, but 80mgs Telmisartán is getting me there quickly. Thanks again, everyone. My health and possibly my longevity is improved thanks to you guys.


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That’s awesome news congrats. Hopefully it wasn’t crazy high too long. I need to get some as well. I’ve been on bp meds for a long time, but I could use some back up while on cycle.
glad it helped you but you should probably really see a doctor to manage this type of stuff. seems like yours more extreme, ours is more preventative.
glad it helped you but you should probably really see a doctor to manage this type of stuff. seems like yours more extreme, ours is more preventative.
You’re right. If I don’t get down into a reasonable range in another week I’ll see the doctor for help.
You’re right. If I don’t get down into a reasonable range in another week I’ll see the doctor for help.
You need to see a doctor regardless. establish care with this issue

you should probably get an echo to see how its going

I also dont mean to mock you in your moment of distress but..

these are one of the issues where are bodies arent meant to be 300 lbs. fat or muscle.

BP in the 150's is still not acceptable
That’s awesome news congrats. Hopefully it wasn’t crazy high too long. I need to get some as well. I’ve been on bp meds for a long time, but I could use some back up while on cycle.
Thanks man! It’s been high for a minute but hopefully I caught it before it did much damage.
You need to see a doctor regardless. establish care with this issue

you should probably get an echo to see how its going

I also dont mean to mock you in your moment of distress but..

these are one of the issues where are bodies arent meant to be 300 lbs. fat or muscle.

BP in the 150's is still not acceptable
Some people are just not long for this world. What's the point of having at-home blood pressure monitoring, KNOWING that you're in a hypertensive crisis, and instead of seeking immediate medical attention.... you instead buy drugs on the internet and thank people online?

@TexasT you're lucky to be alive right now. It would seem, sadly, that you won't be with us for very long by continuing this sort of behavior. You only get so many rolls of the dice.
Some people are just not long for this world. What's the point of having at-home blood pressure monitoring, KNOWING that you're in a hypertensive crisis, and instead of seeking immediate medical attention.... you instead buy drugs on the internet and thank people online?

@TexasT you're lucky to be alive right now. It would seem, sadly, that you won't be with us for very long by continuing this sort of behavior. You only get so many rolls of the dice.
He was a little ignorant when he first came, he seems a little better as time is moving forward...

I hope he will change his ways in the future, atleast before it gets worse.
Glad you‘re getting it under control. Crazy to me though how you decided to continue on with life as usual with it being this elevated for such an extended period of time. If I had any of the symptoms you had I would have immediately went to a doc, hell even the ER. Heart health is something you don‘t want to take lightly. Hope you‘re staying on top of it now! Best wishes!!
Some people are just not long for this world. What's the point of having at-home blood pressure monitoring, KNOWING that you're in a hypertensive crisis, and instead of seeking immediate medical attention.... you instead buy drugs on the internet and thank people online?

@TexasT you're lucky to be alive right now. It would seem, sadly, that you won't be with us for very long by continuing this sort of behavior. You only get so many rolls of the dice.
I didn’t buy it online. I felt my symptoms and checked my blood pressure. When I realized how high it was I went to the pharmacy. It’s coming down rapidly, but if it stalls I’ll see a doctor.


Why on earth would you think I would sit home and watch it remain in hypertensive crisis and not seek to correct it?
I didn’t buy it online. I felt my symptoms and checked my blood pressure. When I realized how high it was I went to the pharmacy. It’s coming down rapidly, but if it stalls I’ll see a doctor.


Why on earth would you think I would sit home and watch it remain in hypertensive crisis and not seek to correct it?
I guess I was hoping for a better response but it seems like you are acting the same as when you came here.

You are acting just as bad by delaying seeing the doctor.

If it has been going on for a while you are worried about a hypertensive crisis but you arent about cardiac changes from AAS and prolonged hypertension.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have a lowered ejection fraction and in minor heart failure.

What do you want to wait for? A random heart attack.
I guess I was hoping for a better response but it seems like you are acting the same as when you came here.

You are acting just as bad by delaying seeing the doctor.

If it has been going on for a while you are worried about a hypertensive crisis but you arent about cardiac changes from AAS and prolonged hypertension.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have a lowered ejection fraction and in minor heart failure.

What do you want to wait for? A random heart attack.
He opted to tailor his reply to the one part of my statement, made in good faith on the basis of incomplete information, that he could disagree with. And yet materially, he self-medicated himself in a life-threatening crisis, relying on internet advice, and still needs medical attention.

I'm not familiar with anything he's posted elsewhere. What is obvious from this thread is that he's constitutionally immune to good advice (the only sorts of people that avoid needed medical attention of this nature, in my view). This group is largely comprised of drug addicts concerned that they'll have to go cold turkey, naturally.
I guess I was hoping for a better response but it seems like you are acting the same as when you came here.

You are acting just as bad by delaying seeing the doctor.

If it has been going on for a while you are worried about a hypertensive crisis but you arent about cardiac changes from AAS and prolonged hypertension.

I wouldn't be surprised if you have a lowered ejection fraction and in minor heart failure.

What do you want to wait for? A random heart attack.
Listen, let’s get two things straight right out of the chute.

First and foremost, I’m far from ignorant. I have two and a half decades of empirical evidence in the bodybuilding lifestyle that I base my opinions on, as opposed to some of the obvious copy and paste hack artists on this forum who simply plagiarize and then parrot solid information that is contributed by smart people like @Type-IIx, @Jin23, and a few others around here.

They’ll repeat bodybuilding mythology ad nauseam and speak it into bodybuilding truth, even long after it’s been debunked (Tren is the most toxic injectable so avoid using it, anadrol is too masculinizing and virilizing for women to use, anavar has zero liver toxicity etc….. etc…..).

I suspect that if you saw them in the gym, most of these internet forum loudmouths who love to run their cock holsters actually have legs that resemble a set of chopsticks, and their physiques look like twice baked dog shit anyway. In a couple years, after they never reach their bodybuilding goals, they’ll move on to golf, or bass fishing or wake boarding or whatever else, and they won’t come around the message boards anymore. I’ve been on and off of these message boards since the late 90’s and some things never change.

Second, you’re not my dad. So fuck all the way off with your condescending tone and your, “I was hoping for better from you” bullshit.

Here’s what time it is. I recognized that I was having a health issue. I got a blood pressure cuff and confirmed my suspicion. I immediately hopped onto the drug profile section of Meso and realized that people have had the same issue and have successfully dealt with it with Telmisartan. I went right to the pharmacy and bought some and it is dramatically reducing my blood pressure every single day. It’s really good stuff. It works well. If it wasn’t working, or if it stops working for that matter, I would go see a real doctor right away.

My original post was simply to express gratitude to this community for sharing good information. I don’t need a need a pretentious, self-important, pedant like you to climb up my ass and set up camp because I didn’t immediately panic and run to the ER.

I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse in this life than a little high blood pressure. It’s not that scary.

If you haven’t yet, buckle up, kid. The road we travel through this life gets pretty bumpy at times.

And I’ll end this rant that absolutely no one gives a shit about with this:

Let’s not pretend that we’re not on the MesoRX Steroid Forum to learn all we can about utilizing hormones and peptides to manipulate our bodies into the shape and size that we know could not be possible without pharmacology.

This “harm reduction” shit is cute to say to each other, but when you look in the mirror and try to bullshit yourself with hollow justifications and reasonings for using (abusing, really) the drugs you’re using, you know in the back of your mind that you’re full of shit.

We’re all adults here. We all make our own choices as we walk this path of life. We know what we’re doing. This isn’t a yoga retreat and we’re not here to meditate together before we enjoy a lovely meal of warm lentils. Let’s not chastise those of us who are willing to have an intellectually honest conversation on a public forum because their opinion doesn’t concisely conform to yours.

Don’t be a prick.
He opted to tailor his reply to the one part of my statement, made in good faith on the basis of incomplete information, that he could disagree with. And yet materially, he self-medicated himself in a life-threatening crisis, relying on internet advice, and still needs medical attention.

I'm not familiar with anything he's posted elsewhere. What is obvious from this thread is that he's constitutionally immune to good advice (the only sorts of people that avoid needed medical attention of this nature, in my view). This group is largely comprised of drug addicts concerned that they'll have to go cold turkey, naturally.
Do I even need to respond, or can I just refer you to the reply I just sent to @Cridi887?
Listen, let’s get two things straight right out of the chute.

First and foremost, I’m far from ignorant. I have two and a half decades of empirical evidence in the bodybuilding lifestyle that I base my opinions on, as opposed to some of the obvious copy and paste hack artists on this forum who simply plagiarize and then parrot solid information that is contributed by smart people like @Type-IIx, @Jin23, and a few others around here.

They’ll repeat bodybuilding mythology ad nauseam and speak it into bodybuilding truth, even long after it’s been debunked (Tren is the most toxic injectable so avoid using it, anadrol is too masculinizing and virilizing for women to use, anavar has zero liver toxicity etc….. etc…..).

I suspect that if you saw them in the gym, most of these internet forum loudmouths who love to run their cock holsters actually have legs that resemble a set of chopsticks, and their physiques look like twice baked dog shit anyway. In a couple years, after they never reach their bodybuilding goals, they’ll move on to golf, or bass fishing or wake boarding or whatever else, and they won’t come around the message boards anymore. I’ve been on and off of these message boards since the late 90’s and some things never change.

Second, you’re not my dad. So fuck all the way off with your condescending tone and your, “I was hoping for better from you” bullshit.

Here’s what time it is. I recognized that I was having a health issue. I got a blood pressure cuff and confirmed my suspicion. I immediately hopped onto the drug profile section of Meso and realized that people have had the same issue and have successfully dealt with it with Telmisartan. I went right to the pharmacy and bought some and it is dramatically reducing my blood pressure every single day. It’s really good stuff. It works well. If it wasn’t working, or if it stops working for that matter, I would go see a real doctor right away.

My original post was simply to express gratitude to this community for sharing good information. I don’t need a need a pretentious, self-important, pedant like you to climb up my ass and set up camp because I didn’t immediately panic and run to the ER.

I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse in this life than a little high blood pressure. It’s not that scary.

If you haven’t yet, buckle up, kid. The road we travel through this life gets pretty bumpy at times.

And I’ll end this rant that absolutely no one gives a shit about with this:

Let’s not pretend that we’re not on the MesoRX Steroid Forum to learn all we can about utilizing hormones and peptides to manipulate our bodies into the shape and size that we know could not be possible without pharmacology.

This “harm reduction” shit is cute to say to each other, but when you look in the mirror and try to bullshit yourself with hollow justifications and reasonings for using (abusing, really) the drugs you’re using, you know in the back of your mind that you’re full of shit.

We’re all adults here. We all make our own choices as we walk this path of life. We know what we’re doing. This isn’t a yoga retreat and we’re not here to meditate together before we enjoy a lovely meal of warm lentils. Let’s not chastise those of us who are willing to have an intellectually honest conversation on a public forum because their opinion doesn’t concisely conform to yours.

Don’t be a prick.

Harm Reduction? What the fuck did you just do with telmisartan?
Such an ignorant user an AAS user, the only thing you can back is how long you have been picking up weights. Typical ignorant old man response

At this rate you are just going to be a wasted bed in the ER that could have been prevented by a simple doctor's visit.

Wouldn't be surprised if your ejection fraction is sub 45.

Hopefully some people can laugh/learn at your idiotic practice
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Harm Reduction? What the fuck did you just do with telmisartan?
Such an ignorant user an AAS user, the only thing you can back is how long you have been picking up weights. Typical ignorant old man response

At this rate you are just going to be a wasted bed in the ER that could have been prevented by a simple doctor's visit.

Wouldn't be surprised if your ejection fraction is sub 45.

Hopefully some people can laugh/learn at your idiotic practice
Cool story Bro. Are we done here now?

I could not possibly care less what you think about how I live my life. And I am most certain that you share that same sentiment towards me.

You completely missed my point because my reply bruised your fragile ego and you could not wait to bang out your response.

And literally no one was surprised by that in the very least.
Listen, let’s get two things straight right out of the chute.

First and foremost, I’m far from ignorant. I have two and a half decades of empirical evidence in the bodybuilding lifestyle that I base my opinions on, as opposed to some of the obvious copy and paste hack artists on this forum who simply plagiarize and then parrot solid information that is contributed by smart people like @Type-IIx, @Jin23, and a few others around here.

They’ll repeat bodybuilding mythology ad nauseam and speak it into bodybuilding truth, even long after it’s been debunked (Tren is the most toxic injectable so avoid using it, anadrol is too masculinizing and virilizing for women to use, anavar has zero liver toxicity etc….. etc…..).

I suspect that if you saw them in the gym, most of these internet forum loudmouths who love to run their cock holsters actually have legs that resemble a set of chopsticks, and their physiques look like twice baked dog shit anyway. In a couple years, after they never reach their bodybuilding goals, they’ll move on to golf, or bass fishing or wake boarding or whatever else, and they won’t come around the message boards anymore. I’ve been on and off of these message boards since the late 90’s and some things never change.

Second, you’re not my dad. So fuck all the way off with your condescending tone and your, “I was hoping for better from you” bullshit.

Here’s what time it is. I recognized that I was having a health issue. I got a blood pressure cuff and confirmed my suspicion. I immediately hopped onto the drug profile section of Meso and realized that people have had the same issue and have successfully dealt with it with Telmisartan. I went right to the pharmacy and bought some and it is dramatically reducing my blood pressure every single day. It’s really good stuff. It works well. If it wasn’t working, or if it stops working for that matter, I would go see a real doctor right away.

My original post was simply to express gratitude to this community for sharing good information. I don’t need a need a pretentious, self-important, pedant like you to climb up my ass and set up camp because I didn’t immediately panic and run to the ER.

I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse in this life than a little high blood pressure. It’s not that scary.

If you haven’t yet, buckle up, kid. The road we travel through this life gets pretty bumpy at times.

And I’ll end this rant that absolutely no one gives a shit about with this:

Let’s not pretend that we’re not on the MesoRX Steroid Forum to learn all we can about utilizing hormones and peptides to manipulate our bodies into the shape and size that we know could not be possible without pharmacology.

This “harm reduction” shit is cute to say to each other, but when you look in the mirror and try to bullshit yourself with hollow justifications and reasonings for using (abusing, really) the drugs you’re using, you know in the back of your mind that you’re full of shit.

We’re all adults here. We all make our own choices as we walk this path of life. We know what we’re doing. This isn’t a yoga retreat and we’re not here to meditate together before we enjoy a lovely meal of warm lentils. Let’s not chastise those of us who are willing to have an intellectually honest conversation on a public forum because their opinion doesn’t concisely conform to yours.

Don’t be a prick.

I'm probably one of the most cautious users on this forum and I definitely would go check my heart out ... Especially as you speculate, that you've probably had severe hypertension for a prolonged period. While I see how the demeanor of @Cridi887 might have offended you, I'd urge you to look past that as he does have a point and so does @Type-IIx. There is no forum bro lore here, this is basic cardiology. You had very high estrogen right? You probably have some cardiovascular damage, getting it checked out, so you know what you're dealing with is a smart idea.

You can continue lowering it yourself (if you manage to bring it to normal levels asap) but afterwards, go get yourself checked out. However, that being said, I'd also go to the docs immediately ...
Well, that escalated quickly.

Anyway, even with it coming down, head in to see the doc as you said you plan to do, get scanned, check your kidneys (they are not fans of high BP as you know) just to make sure everything is looking somewhat OK so you can continue to improve your numbers.
100% agree with what others have said. You need to see a doctor asap and this should be managed and monitored by them. I am dealing with this exact same issue too so can relate.