Telmarsitán Got A Handle On My Hypertensive Crisis

I was in a hypertensive crisis just 5 days ago, and had probably been there for weeks, maybe even months before that.

My original post was simply to express gratitude to this community for sharing good information. I don’t need a need a pretentious, self-important, pedant like you to climb up my ass and set up camp because I didn’t immediately panic and run to the ER.

I’ve been through a hell of a lot worse in this life than a little high blood pressure. It’s not that scary.

If you haven’t yet, buckle up, kid. The road we travel through this life gets pretty bumpy at times.
I hope you realize that the community continues to share good information.

You are trivializing the severity of a hypertensive crisis. It's much more than just "a little high blood pressure".

It is a medical emergency. This isn't a controversial assessment.

The statistics are sobering. The 12-month and 5-year mortality rates even WITH proper medical treatment should give pause.
This “harm reduction” shit is cute to say to each other, but when you look in the mirror and try to bullshit yourself with hollow justifications and reasonings for using (abusing, really) the drugs you’re using, you know in the back of your mind that you’re full of shit.
That's not what harm reduction is about.

It realizes people are going to engage in certain behaviors.

And it seeks to minimize the risks that accompany those behaviors (in a non-judgmental and non-coercive manner)

The best thing YOU can do to minimize risk given the urgency of your current situation is seek immediate medical attention.

Anything less substantially increases the potential harm you face.

I really hope this does not become the scariest thing you've faced in your life. However, it has been for others.
I hope you realize that the community continues to share good information.

You are trivializing the severity of a hypertensive crisis. It's much more than just "a little high blood pressure".

It is a medical emergency. This isn't a controversial assessment.

The statistics are sobering. The 12-month and 5-year mortality rates even WITH proper medical treatment should give pause.

That's not what harm reduction is about.

It realizes people are going to engage in certain behaviors.

And it seeks to minimize the risks that accompany those behaviors (in a non-judgmental and non-coercive manner)

The best thing YOU can do to minimize risk given the urgency of your current situation is seek immediate medical attention.

Anything less substantially increases the potential harm you face.

I really hope this does not become the scariest thing you've faced in your life. However, it has been for others.
I sometimes use the tactic of expressing harsh judgment to encourage a desired behavior, as it works well for me, especially when bolstered by encouraging agreement from others similarly situated that would otherwise remain quiet; but this tactic also reveals character. Sometimes, that which is revealed is ugly.
I sometimes use the tactic of expressing harsh judgment to encourage a desired behavior, as it works well for me, especially when bolstered by encouraging agreement from others similarly situated that would otherwise remain quiet; but this tactic also reveals character. Sometimes, that which is revealed is ugly.
This cut I am on is putting me on the edge half the time. I start losing my cool. I see people on the verge of death regularly and can't stand it when people take situations lightly with simple preventative measures. Especially when it will put a strain on the medical system down the road.
This cut I am on is putting me on the edge half the time. I start losing my cool. I see people on the verge of death regularly and can't stand it when people take situations lightly with simple preventative measures. Especially when it will put a strain on the medical system down the road.
Understandable, in combination with what you've communicated to me in private. Hell, I don't even think that you've communicated anything here unreasonably. Stylistic differences; experience and education; and justified frustration, motivated by helping people, is just classic harm reduction.
@Millard @Type-IIx @Cridi887

A high school classmate of mine died the day before yesterday at the age of 53. He and his wife were traveling across a very remote section of SE Oregon where cell service is sparse to non existent, and the distance between the tiny towns out there is lengthy.

His wife was driving because he wasn’t feeling good. He had an obvious heart attack and she stopped the car and administered CPR as long as she could. No one passed by on that desolate stretch of road to help. Finally she had to continue driving until she was able to get into cell service and call 911. By then he was dead.

He was a normal guy. Never drank much, never did drugs of any sort. Non smoker with a regular, healthy body composition. One of the nicest guys that you would ever meet, and that you’d be lucky to know.

If it happened to him, then why wouldn’t (and shouldn’t, really) it happen to me?

I apologize for being a jerk to you guys about this because my sensitive little feelers got hurt and I didn’t like your tone. Pretty immature for a 50+ year old guy who knows better.

I’m going to the doctor today. I’ll keep everyone posted about the course of action that is recommended.