Test C replacement Perimenopause


New Member
I’ve been learning about TRT for women, as both my sister and my lady are having less than productive outcomes with their doctors and their hormones as they go through menopause. We are treating efforts at test replacement as our own private medical study, since the research into female TRT is so freakin limited.

I used some advice given in a different thread on how to dilute my own pharma test C cream, and my lady has been using it ED. The diluted dosage is 5mg/day, and she applies it to her inner thighs or backs of knees before bed, rotating application sites. She likes the better sleep, increased sexual desire, and sense of what she called “empowerment.”

Our question is: should she be using the cream every day, eod, just post-period? Cycling on and off? Continuously?

All information is appreciated!
Unfortunately this isn’t getting much traction, but in case someone see this in their own search, my lady has decided to use the Test C cream as a cycle rather than as an indefinite. Mimicking the female body’s own testosterone cycles, she will use the cream starting on the first day of her period, every day for 15 days. This allows the body to build up her T levels in the same way it would during that phase if she had normal T levels naturally.

After 15 days she will stop the T cream and let the levels reduce in much the same way they would naturally. And repeat every month.

She had initially just started randomly with no schedule in mind, but ended having a more severe period than she normally experiences. This caused her enough concern that we did more research into how/when the female body produces T naturally so she could best mimic what the body should be doing on its own.