Test C with Miglyol 840 Recipe


I am about to make my first homebrew and I have not been able to find a consensus on a recipe for Test C 200 mg/ml

I believe mig 840 is a solvent, which theoretically should require less BB. I still see people brewing with mig 840 and still using 18-20 % BB.

Shouldn’t the BB percentage go down due to mig 840 being a solvent? Does anyone have experience using a lower percentage of BB, maybe 10 or 15%? I have no problem in testing different percentages, and plan to do so going forward, but I would like to see if anyone else has a specific lower starting percentage they have had success with?

If you really want to experiment you could do it like this.
Let's say you want a make small batch of 50 ml, 200 mg/ml.

Add 10 grams of your Test C raw.
Add Mig840 up to around 40ml.
Start mixing. You will see that it's not really dissolving at all, maybe a little bit but the solution will be very couldy.
After that start adding Benzyl Benzoate slowly, ml by ml. The solution will start to clear up. If you get to a point of like 45 ml and the solution is crystal clear by then it means you can get away with 10% BB.
Add 1ml of Benzyl Alcohol and add Mig840 up to 50 ml.
Mix until perfectly clear and then filter it.

I use Mig840 but I still go for 20% BB. I think I read somewhere that BB also prevents gear from crashing during cold months.
2/20 ba/bb, carrier oil of choice. Heat, mix, add solvents, filter, profit

Why everyone needs to go super complicated for basic stuff?
2/20 ba/bb, aceite portador de elección. Calentar, mezclar, añadir disolventes, filtrar y obtener beneficios.

¿Por qué todo el mundo necesita ser muy complicado para las cosas básicas?
Si quisiera subir de 200mg a 250mg cuanto subiría la BB?
Si quisiera subir de 200mg a 250mg cuanto subiría la BB?
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