Test Cycle & TRT


I am 29 years old and started TRT 8 weeks ago due to my initial blood work before I started my first test cycle. I decided to do the TRT and hold off on the Test. The doctor just took blood work to check the T levels since we are 8 weeks in. I want to start my Test only cycle of 600mg a week since my next labs are not for 12 weeks at the TRT clinic.

My question is when I come off a cycle and stay on the TRT is clomid still needed? And is this a bad idea? As in should I go from 600mg and 140mg(TRT dose) to nothing or is staying on the TRT ok? I try searching the forums but could not find a definitive answer.

Just wondering if anyone else does this. I'm a bit worried that if the doc sees the super high test levels he may stop my treatment.
He will know you are taking more than the prescribed amount of test based on blood. I'm also on TRT however my doc know that I cycle also. My advice would be run test prop- it's out of your system pretty quick. I have run enth but it still elevated my levels on 12 week bloods.
So your on TRT bc of AIH?

Yea he will and he should dc your "TRT" dose if your cycling AAS bc the treatment is NOT TRT but to discontinue cycling.

I despise subterfuge of this nature bc your behavior is compelling your doc to provide inappropriate therapy.

What to do?

Use your doc for legitimate TRT and cycle of your own accord but don't cross the two, otherwise what's compromised is your own integrity
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