Test Cyp, EQ, NPP cycle log

Hey guys, I’m new to this forum but not anabolics or training. I’ve ran 4 cycles since 2015, this will be the Cinco del Swollo. Just trying to give you guys as much info as possible so you’ll have to excuse the length of this post cuz it’s gonna be long.

The first 4 were about what you’d expect, I started at test e only and gradually ran it up from there. I’ve never ran Tren and don’t particularly care to (yet). If I wanna be miserable all of the time I’ll just get married again .

Now, here’s where it gets a little interesting. I had multiple surgeries that set me almost all of the way back. I’m not gonna get into specifics but I had cancer and it spread into my lymphatic system, so I had two surgeries to remove tumors and thank god it went well. I only tell you this so you have some understanding of where I’m at currently.

I’m running 525 test cypionate, 525 EQ, and 420 NPP and I have exemestane on hand. Everything from OSGear

I’m taking a cycle support supp called Blockade that has all of the usual suspects in terms of liver support etc, milk thistle, CoQ10. I take a multi, fish oil, creatine, BCAAs, I take a scoop or two of a carb supplement post workout to enhance delivery of the good **** to my muscles, and protein/casein. Open to suggestions here, too.

I was at 178 on Aug 11 when I started the cycle and I’m roughly 6’ on the mark, I had a 3D body scan done —which was actually really fucking cool—and I’m at 18% BF which kind of surprises me but I get it. I managed to keep some size somehow, although it was really depressing to see myself deflate to the tune of 40-50 pounds. I’ll be posting pics of me prior to surgeries and I’ll post pics now and I’ll put up progress pics every so often. Probably weekly or every other week.

My diet is pretty solid, but open to suggestions. I’m trying to eat 5-6 meals a day and get my macros in the 275p/265c/75F range but I’m definitely open to suggestions on that. It’s one of, if not the, main reason's I came here. I eat the usual stuff, chicken breast, turkey breast, females breasts (joking…maybe), tilapia and cod, brown rice, sweet potatoes are probably my favorite being that they actually have a flavor profile lol, I sprinkle chia seeds on my rolled oats in the morning and have avocados with meals for healthy fats but I could certainly use some help incorporating more, organic peanut butter, egg whites, lot of salads, green beans/broccoli, anyways my diet shouldn’t be an issue.

My goals are really to get back to where I was pre surgery and then go from there. I’m not overly into the mass monster look and prefers more classic look. Think Bumstead (who wouldn’t want that build, right?), and I understand he is currently the pinnacle of that class and my genetics are likely shit in comparison but if you set low goals that’s what you’ll accomplish.

Oh, and I’m running a 10 week mass program at the moment, basically a glorified bro split, 8-10 rep range.

Sorry for the long post guys and hope y’all enjoy the log! I’m currently in Week 2 btw, I started the cycle Aug 11. I frontloaded the test/EQ to the tune of 2 mL each (500 mg with how they were dosed) and then went into daily pins. Started the NPP on Aug 19 and have incorporated that into my daily injections as well.

(I’ll let you guys figure out which pics are Aug 11 and which are pre surgery )


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This Friday will be the two week mark so I’ll likely update weight and put up progress pics at that point.

Things have been gradually ramping up the last few days/lifts, and yesterday I started to get that “I’m an animal” feeling where I could power thru extra reps and I have to make myself leave the gym. Nothing quite like it man!
Two weeks in, official weigh in is 183, so up 6 lbs. attaching progress pics…
To say you've come off the back of cancer I think that's amazing progress for two weeks and to say your stuff probably won't even be doing a lot yet.
A solid 6lbs and pretty much natural, very intrigued now to see how this log goes please keep updating.

How is everything on the health side now mate? I lost my mother to cancer in 2018 so I watched the strongest woman I ever knew degrade rapidly over 18 months. I hope your health keeps great and a massive well done for beating the bastard to start with
Muscle memory. Had something similar. Was sedentary while going back to college for a few years in my late 30's. Went from a lean 200 to 320 fat ass dumpster. Intermittent fasted five days a week, after a while was back down to 190 but I looked like a deflated bag. Got on TRT, did one cycle of test and anavar and boom was almost back to my original muscle size. Muscle memory.
Congratulations on your remission and beating cancer, that's no small feat.

What does your training look like?
Exercise selection?
What's your intensity look like?
Hey comrade
I'm very interested to see what the result looks like after the 10 weeks and what are you doing now.
German greetings to you