Test cypionate vs test enanthate gains and sides


I've been cruising on testosterone enanthate for a few years, but I always get pip. People say it's because of the enanthate ester, and that it wouldn't happen with cypionate.

I may switch to cypionate in the future. Has anyone have personal experience regarding comparison between these compounds (regarding gains and side effects) ?

I know they just differ in a carbon atom, giving them a slightly different half-life, but I would like to read about anecdotal experiences from people who have experimented with both. Experiences from testosterone only cycles or cruises for direct comparison would be preferred.
If you get 20 responses … 15 are gonna say test is test and they will be right. If you have PIP @ruxin32424 lol switch to Test Cyp.
End of comments in one reply besides Rux ha.
First two UGL injection was test E which resulted in DHB like baseball pips on my delts.

I never got pip from stan's test e. It was an accidental order on my part. I didn't specify the ester.

But I found no reason to ever run/order it again.

Like why would the hell I go for something with a slightly shorter ester that has even a possibility of pip when there is an option that is equal and won't have it?
Just switch to test cyp and see for yourself. IMO its only a minor difference (which isn’t noticeable in most cases) between the two.
Test cyp you get twice as big as enanthate….I’ve never noticed a difference. I just stopped using test e when the reports started about pip all the time. I remember years ago test e was what everybody used and recommended.
Same difference but like others said if you think the test e is causing PIP switch to Cyp and hopefully no issues. You should get the same results as far as effect.
Zero difference to me, test is test. Anecdotally I’ve heard there’s something off with ugl test e raws at the moment, so if your getting ugl test e/pip maybe it’s time to switch to cyp…

Who knows if there’s any truth to the rumor mind you - I’m on ugl test E right now and I’m not having issues …
There were bad batches of test E going about which gave bad pip but seems to be in the past now. You shouldn’t notice much difference between C/E