Test/deca and eq


New Member
I did a month Kickstart of 400mg test c. Before I switched it to my test e and deca mix. I'm 13 days in since I made that switch.
The dose is 600mg test e, 400 deca and 500eq. I'm also threw in mk677 in there.
I'm running avo gen decatest 500 mix. It's a pretty well known pharm
Anyway... I got the worst mental health sides ever. I have very little interest in trying to talk to girls and I got like moody rage brewing inside of me at all times. I just feel realy mentally worn and iv been isolated inside my home every day if I'm not at gym or work just eating nonstop all day alone and I'm too paranoid to try and socialise. I have P5P to help any prolactin from deca. But tbh I don't realy see a difference off that. I have no nipple sensitivity at all and I'm not running AI so my estrogen is fine. I'm down with the sides man. I don't care. But what I do care is to ask the important question. Iv been on this mix for 13 days. And I feel like I'm just being impatient. Have any of you tried this brand? And what do you think about this complete mind fuck isolation paranoia I have lol
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Why those doses? MINIMUM EFFECTIVE DOSE with MIMINUM compounds is something that every person on here needs to understand. Lower doses, then slowly creep up until the sides come back. Also try switching deca for NPP so its in and out of your system quicker.

And most importantly.... WHERE THE F is your blood work?
Why those doses? MINIMUM EFFECTIVE DOSE with MIMINUM compounds is something that every person on here needs to understand. Lower doses, then slowly creep up until the sides come back. Also try switching deca for NPP so its in and out of your system quicker.

And most importantly.... WHERE THE F is your blood work?
I do infact have bloodwork. However it's all good results. From before I started. We plan to get some ordered probably in 5 weeks from now. We will assess what's going on internally. For now i dont feel too horrible. I 100% need to get me a fleshlight... 200% iv been doing some freaky action. Feels better than when im not on. But... overthinking is still there. The doses are high yes but they will remain the same. No pain no gain. I'm only 13 days in I'll update on what's going on in 2 more weeks. I'm at 222lba at 5'9 pretty much lean and bulky big legs! But I fucken signed up for these sides.
Dopamine is fucked. EQ anxiety too.
Ah yes perhaps. I have P5P wich is said to act similar to cabergoline for the 19nor prolactin sides. But tbh... I don't realy know what dose of that I should stick with. 200mg, 400, 800? Lmao iv heard it all. For now I'm doing two pills morning and night (200mg per day) and I must say it certainly does something to combat low feeling
Ah yes perhaps. I have P5P wich is said to act similar to cabergoline for the 19nor prolactin sides. But tbh... I don't realy know what dose of that I should stick with. 200mg, 400, 800? Lmao iv heard it all. For now I'm doing two pills morning and night (200mg per day) and I must say it certainly does something to combat low feeling
p5p is shit at controlling high prolactin when it manifests. Caber or prami.
p5p is shit at controlling high prolactin when it manifests. Caber or prami.
You are correct. But let's consider the long term benefit. All it is.. is a bandaid for a temporary thing. A thing that obviously is causing anxiety and shit. But once I'm done, I go to trt 150/week. Add some adex twice a week for those elevated estrogen levels for 4 weeks I go right back to normal. I have viagra as well incase the anxiety. But iv been realy horny. Just... too fucken paranoid to talk to girls. Hahaha I'm gonna be good once I get a fleshlight
Sounds like what deca does to me, and it's not from prolactin
Well my mind just races so fast. It thinks about girls. And then hates on them for choosing weak boys. I got nobody to hangaround with no friends and all I can think about is women getting fucked by all these other bitches while I'm stuck at home. It detrimentalizes my brain. But this is good. Stay inside and eat! Stay inside and eat!
I ran that sort of thing for years with slightly lower doses and received good results. Last time i tried deca i felt like crap and stopped after a couple weeks.
Brother no offence or anything
But why you inject so much shit
And expect no sides
Everyone is different
19 nors are not for everyone
Why are you running deca ?
You have to titrate up your doses
You won’t grow if you feel depressed and weak
Is that simple
Ima give it till week 6. I may stop and revert back to TRT. this all realy comes down to me jerking off enough to stay in post nut clarity. Cuz once I'm out I'm fucking retarded
Dopamine is fucked. EQ anxiety too.
Hey man. The test and deca are in a mix by avo gen. And whenever I shoot up I sort of twist and turn the vial gently twirling it to help mix it up. And it's at room temperature. This is good enough I believe but I still have some paranoia that the dosing is gonna be off. What would you do with the mix. And don't say throw it out lmao
Why those doses? MINIMUM EFFECTIVE DOSE with MIMINUM compounds is something that every person on here needs to understand. Lower doses, then slowly creep up until the sides come back. Also try switching deca for NPP so its in and out of your system quicker.

And most importantly.... WHERE THE F is your blood work?
Agree 100%
Well my mind just races so fast. It thinks about girls. And then hates on them for choosing weak boys. I got nobody to hangaround with no friends and all I can think about is women getting fucked by all these other bitches while I'm stuck at home. It detrimentalizes my brain. But this is good. Stay inside and eat! Stay inside and eat!
No. It isn’t good. You need to control that. It is corrosive to your self worth and self image brother. Flip it. Ignore it. Smash it. Do not accept it.

Hating women for seeing value in men that may carry great worth in other forms is infantile. It is part of the lizard brain. That brain has very few applicable places in society now. If it ever did.

Real strength comes from self honesty and brutally candid acknowledgement of one’s capabilities and skills.

The men I knew who we all greatly respected and sometimes found ourselves uneasy about working for three letter agencies or SF groups had one thing in common.

They were all humble and listened.

I never understood why until years later in conversations with associates. These men had all the traits we did, but their ability to be introspective and self honest led to humility and the ability to be open to learning. They were always improving because they mastered their ego.

Be wise. Be self honest, and forget others.

Stop wanting all women and start looking for THE woman. The one that turns all other to gray and outshines them with her own self worth.

That woman doesn’t want an egotistical man.

She wants a man who is strong. Wise, and capable