Test/deca and eq

I'm running this cycle now. Doses are test/eq/deca 400/400/250

Start journaling or something because it sounds like your brain is rotting. EQ gives a lot of people anxiety and deca makes us emotionally retarded. That's a risky combo if you're the type of guy who gets mad when women you don't know have sex with other people. It definitely doesn't get better the longer you stay on. Those are also long ass esters so you need to figure out what you're gonna do because it's not going away overnight when you come off cycle.

Also, women don't give a fuck about your muscles or PRs. They want a laid back guy who doesn't make them feel like they're guilt-fucking him because he is a psycho. When I was a scrawny little pothead I got 10000x more ass than I do now.

Personally I would cut all your doses down by 1/3rd asap if you plan on continuing. And It's not a prolactin issue, it's a 19nor issue. Prolactin will make you squirt milk out your titties and have a limp noodle... That's not what is making you mentally spiral. It sounds like you feel entitled to pussy which is a whole different problem but i 100% understand if that's not how you actually feel. Steroids can make you think different so if you're just venting because you don't have homies to say dumb shit to, I feel where you're coming from. Just don't go too far down the incel rabbithole.
No. It isn’t good. You need to control that. It is corrosive to your self worth and self image brother. Flip it. Ignore it. Smash it. Do not accept it.

Hating women for seeing value in men that may carry great worth in other forms is infantile. It is part of the lizard brain. That brain has very few applicable places in society now. If it ever did.

Real strength comes from self honesty and brutally candid acknowledgement of one’s capabilities and skills.

The men I knew who we all greatly respected and sometimes found ourselves uneasy about working for three letter agencies or SF groups had one thing in common.

They were all humble and listened.

I never understood why until years later in conversations with associates. These men had all the traits we did, but their ability to be introspective and self honest led to humility and the ability to be open to learning. They were always improving because they mastered their ego.

Be wise. Be self honest, and forget others.

Stop wanting all women and start looking for THE woman. The one that turns all other to gray and outshines them with her own self worth.

That woman doesn’t want an egotistical man.

She wants a man who is strong. Wise, and capable
Pure poetry. And so true.
I did a month Kickstart of 400mg test c. Before I switched it to my test e and deca mix. I'm 13 days in since I made that switch.
The dose is 600mg test e, 400 deca and 500eq. I'm also threw in mk677 in there.
I'm running avo gen decatest 500 mix. It's a pretty well known pharm
Anyway... I got the worst mental health sides ever. I have very little interest in trying to talk to girls and I got like moody rage brewing inside of me at all times. I just feel realy mentally worn and iv been isolated inside my home every day if I'm not at gym or work just eating nonstop all day alone and I'm too paranoid to try and socialise. I have P5P to help any prolactin from deca. But tbh I don't realy see a difference off that. I have no nipple sensitivity at all and I'm not running AI so my estrogen is fine. I'm down with the sides man. I don't care. But what I do care is to ask the important question. Iv been on this mix for 13 days. And I feel like I'm just being impatient. Have any of you tried this brand? And what do you think about this complete mind fuck isolation paranoia I have lol
Hey its almost week 4. I'm not a fan of this mix lol. But im at 227 pounds. Iv been stuck at 227pounds for the last 3 weeks. I shot you not I'm eating almost a unfair and disgusting amount of food every day. I'm built realy muscular but I need to get to 230. I decided that the mix will stay the same. But for good measure I added 200mg test e. This way a more consistent dose of test is there plus more test than deca cuz my ratio was a Lil off. Now what am I on? Well prior to adding this test, I'm now doing 800mg test and 400mg deca with the eq as well. I have alot of paranoia, like rage man... I just wanna fight tbh I realy get angry at my own thoughts wanting sex so bad but that's Allright I'm single and alone it will stay that way even if I tried I have no game with women. I'm gonna get to 230pounds. Everything stays the same from here. No estrogen sides. Only starting week 4 so patience


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