Test deca npp?


Well got laid off, can I get a helllllll yea..
Have more time to focus in the gym, and deciding a blast
700/week test
Deca 250/week
Npp 300/week
(May just do npp as I have raws also have deca at my disposal, either way nand 600-650/week)
Never touched hgh, what would be some input if I were looking into 1iu in the am and pm.
If not gh maybe mast p at 6 weeks in, or inj sdrol. Never used mast, only used sdrol oral
2 IU of GH is basically a replacement dose, I wouldn’t go less than 3/day and frankly I don’t see a point in splitting it up at that dose either.
For who, under what circumstances, with what experience level with what goals in mind...
For me potentially. Only other experience was 16 weeks 600 mg test per week. Goals, to jump up to the next level from what I just did, hoping it won't affect my hair. Hoping to gain strength and muscle. On TRT, not worried about my dick. ;)
For me potentially. Only other experience was 16 weeks 600 mg test per week. Goals, to jump up to the next level from what I just did, hoping it won't affect my hair. Hoping to gain strength and muscle. On TRT, not worried about my dick. ;)
if you cant handle higher testosterone i guess that would be a decent cycle, i would atleast have 200-300mg test in there myself though.
Sounds like a recipe for gyno. Hope you have a plan to mitigate it.
Not for myself, only time I've had flare ups was from tren/anadrol or just drol alone. Which I just don't use either anymore, but to answer your question. I have adex, and ralox.

Why not just 500 deca why add the fast ester?
Why both deca and npp?
No rhyme or reason really. I ran some npp about 4 years ago, last year was my first time touching deca cause I was always scared of dick problems. Which turns out is not a problem for me. I know it makes no difference really but I'm running test prop. This is really just more of a why not thing for me.
2 IU of GH is basically a replacement dose, I wouldn’t go less than 3/day and frankly I don’t see a point in splitting it up at that dose either.
Idk if there is a point in splitting. I think I was reading where it has something to do with glucose and sleep. I'm not sure honestly.