Test & Deca TRT


New Member
Hey guys,
I'm getting ready to start my first TRT dosing and I was hoping to get some feedback on what to expect? Going to be running 200mg Test & 200mg Deca a week. I know that these are on the lower end of dosing but what can I expect in terms of size development? Hair loss? anxiety? I'm also thinking about running 50mg of Anavar a day to help with puffiness. I'm thinking about stepping up my dossing from 200mg to 300mg. Thoughts/opinions on what kind of difference would come from that dosing compared to the 200?
Hey guys,
I'm getting ready to start my first TRT dosing and I was hoping to get some feedback on what to expect? Going to be running 200mg Test & 200mg Deca a week. I know that these are on the lower end of dosing but what can I expect in terms of size development? Hair loss? anxiety? I'm also thinking about running 50mg of Anavar a day to help with puffiness. I'm thinking about stepping up my dossing from 200mg to 300mg. Thoughts/opinions on what kind of difference would come from that dosing compared to the 200?
fyi thats not trt
^^ he's right that's a blast, not trt or even a cruise.

Have you ever run npp/deca before? I'm guessing your new to aas? You're kind of diving into the deep end of the pool going straight into a 19nor like deca which can have bad mental sides that last a while
I've ran some pretty heavy cycles in my past but I wouldn't call myself an expert. The last cycle I ran was three years ago and it was 750mg test,600Eq,600Deca,50anavar a week. I am just trying to think long term now which is why I met with a doc and he is the one that that is starting me out on the Test and Deca. The anavar is just something extra that i was considering running along with the others.
I've ran some pretty heavy cycles in my past but I wouldn't call myself an expert. The last cycle I ran was three years ago and it was 750mg test,600Eq,600Deca,50anavar a week. I am just trying to think long term now which is why I met with a doc and he is the one that that is starting me out on the Test and Deca. The anavar is just something extra that i was considering running along with the others.
Guessing it's through a trt clinic if they're prescribing deca

The dosages look fine though, especially if you've ran it before without sides, just don't call it TRT lol. It's more like a mini blast especially with var in the mix

You should be fine though. I'm guessing you'll be doing bloodwork every 3-6 months anyways, just keep the estrogen and prolactin in check
Yes it is through a TRT clinic. But I've noted what you guys said. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm really just trying to stay away from big cycles like I used to run along with the care of a doctor. Which is why I'm curious to what i can expect from this type of cycle.
Yes it is through a TRT clinic. But I've noted what you guys said. Thanks for the heads up.

I'm really just trying to stay away from big cycles like I used to run along with the care of a doctor. Which is why I'm curious to what i can expect from this type of cycle.
honestly if you have ran cycles like you said you have you should have a general idea about how things will go, right?
Hey guys,
I'm getting ready to start my first TRT dosing and I was hoping to get some feedback on what to expect? Going to be running 200mg Test & 200mg Deca a week. I know that these are on the lower end of dosing but what can I expect in terms of size development? Hair loss? anxiety? I'm also thinking about running 50mg of Anavar a day to help with puffiness. I'm thinking about stepping up my dossing from 200mg to 300mg. Thoughts/opinions on what kind of difference would come from that dosing compared to the 200?
Yes more me this would definitely be a blast. For what it’s worth-

I’m 52 yo
My trt dosage from my Dr is:
70mg test c/ 70mg test e/ 60mg deca blend from pharma
750 units hcg
1mg adex
Each split twice a week. I pin every 4 days. Last bloodwork showed test levels at 1169 mg/dl and e2 at 15
He and I are both happy with this.
Yes more me this would definitely be a blast. For what it’s worth-

I’m 52 yo
My trt dosage from my Dr is:
70mg test c/ 70mg test e/ 60mg deca blend from pharma
750 units hcg
1mg adex
Each split twice a week. I pin every 4 days. Last bloodwork showed test levels at 1169 mg/dl and e2 at 15
He and I are both happy with this.
how often are you taking the 1 mg arimidex per week?