Test E/Deca/Eq Cycle


New Member
Stats: 5'10 220lb maybe sitting at 12% bf. 36 years old have been lifting consistently since 14. Diet is on point, six meals a day primarily chicken/rice/beef/eggs/sweet potatoes. Training 5/6 days a week, no alcohol or drug use other than AAS.

I've been using AAS for about 5 years now and have tried a variety of different cycles/combination of drugs. For my next cycle I'm thinking of running test e 500mg/wk - Eq 500mg/wi - Deca 250mg/wk. Many people seem to think that Deca or Eq should be ran by itself with test but I've also seen people say running this 3 compound stack gave them awesome results. Just looking for some opinions on the dosage and anecdotal experiences from people who have ran them together before.
I ran this but with npp instead .. I loved it!!! My doses were higher and nessacarily soo. I was younger and less informed. I had a little depression side effects from the npp and eq. My blood pressure did increase more then from any other blast but wasn't scary. I wish I had my log book to give you the blood pressure readings.
I don't know what you true experience is with peds but if it's what you say it is then I think you will enjoy this cycle.
The biggest and strongest I've ever been was on this cycle but I also had training and diet down solid as well. Better then anytime before this.
Your doses are in a sweet spot in my opinion. I did 750test 400npp and 800eq and it was to much honestly for me I believe. I could be wrong but afterwards I remembering being like shit I was struggling with the mental.sides and the BP at the end. But damn my gym performance was so good.
I also took my own I injectable superdrol at 20mg pre work out and 10 MG on rest days. The last 6 weeks .. fell in love instantly with sdrol. I prefer orals either midway or at end of cycle.to help push through sticking points or just a nice boost at the end..I personally don't believe in taking them in the beginning. That just my preference.
Also at your dose I believe you can do 2 injections and use 1 3ml syringe,put all in one syringe and send it. I'm jealous I haven't been on like that in 2 years. It's such a good time when everything is in line, diet, training, then add this cycle and watch it all come together.
Goodluck Sir.
Cycle and dosages look solid. Could even taper the deca up later in the cycle If you're tolerating it well

Test/EQ/deca is a top-tier bulking cycle. If you're eating in a surplus you'll really pack on the mass, gain a lot of strength, but you're also going to retain a crapload of water weight, so If you don't mind some water retention then send it!