Test E first pin side effects


New Member
I did something generally stupid and I know this, but it brought up some questions. Im getting ready for my first cycle of Test E, but I got really anxious about the pinning process and decided to give it a single test run (no pun intended) before I started my cycle.

I did a first pin in my upper outer quad, 1ml/300mg. wiped the vial top with alcohol rub, used a sterile pin and 18g to draw, then a 25g to shoot. Wiped the pin spot with an alcohol rub to disinfect and shot. Everything was great, aspirated no blood. A couple hours later some PIP set in and for the next couple of days it was like a really bad charlie horse in my quad. Then I started to feel kinda run down and sick, but just a little. Figured it was mild test flu, but it went away as fast as it came.

Then what lead to this post happened. One about day 3 on the inner part of my thigh I got a really light red spot about 6x6 in size that lasted for about 3 days. I also had some general swelling in my thigh, I wasnt sure if it was infection or reaction. I took some Benedryl and the pinkness decreased, but never went away. On about day 5 the swelling moved down my inner thigh to just above my knee. All PIP and this unknown swelling and redness all went away after 6-7 days.

So my question is if this is "normal" for a red spot on the opposite side of my thigh? Was it a reaction or an infection? If it was an infection, I dont think it was anything in my process, it might be the gear should I dump it or try to bake it? Or if its a reaction what should I do? Cut it with sterile oil?
Yep... First time with any gear in fact. So I'm really not sure how to proceed

I did do a labmax on it and it came out really good.
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I don't think I should say out loud until I figure out what was up. I'll PM you.

Any idea what the hell is going on? In thinking about dumping the gear and getting new stuff
300mg is not a "test" run lol.
You are probably just having an allergic reaction to the carrier oil.

Try a different brand with a different carrier oil. I like GSO myself.
Yah I said it was stupid :)

Would cutting it with another sterile oil help? Maybe cottonseed oil?

Not really, drop the $150 bucks or so on another 30ml of gear.
I know I wouldn't think twice about tossing a cycle's worth of gear in the bin if it gives me bad pip, let alone red spots and swelling. A test E cycle should not have to include PIP.
Cutting it with extra carrier oil usually helps. If you aren't EO allergic, it usually does a better job than carrier oil. Only use sterile technique if doing this.

Lower dosed will also help (250mg/ml for teste).
Anyone with an EO allergy (such as myself), you my want to split your pins into 1/2 ml doses at multiple sites. This where a slin pin comes in handy. Has helped me a ton.