Test E HmBrew on a Female.


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So here's the story on the short. A friend wanted to increase his girls libidio. She also was on board and wanted her libidio back badly after their newborn. Anyhow, he is a lifer TRT user, she asked about it. He said in small doses they could experiment and monitor with bloods. So, he pinned her with 30mg a week of test E and on the 4th week drew blood 40hrs after last pin.

He has reduced the dosage to 10mg per week along with a long break. However, her libidio came back very strong he said.
I've heard of testosterone therapy for women, but all of the recommendations I've read were to keep the levels in the high-normal range to avoid unwanted sides. She might develop an Adams apple and beard before long at that dose!
So here's the story on the short. A friend wanted to increase his girls libidio. She also was on board and wanted her libidio back badly after their newborn. Anyhow, he is a lifer TRT user, she asked about it. He said in small doses they could experiment and monitor with bloods. So, he pinned her with 30mg a week of test E and on the 4th week drew blood 40hrs after last pin.

He has reduced the dosage to 10mg per week along with a long break. However, her libidio came back very strong he said.
I as well as, I am sure, a lot of other people would love to have her response to test injections :confused:
Crazy is that how it always is for wemon in regards to total t?
I mean those bloods are pretty drastic for 30mg a week.

Can someone explain this?
My woman is on 15mg a week.

Last blood on 10mg every 10days came at 69 ng/dl
Hope with 15mg every 7 to.have her around 100-120 ng/dl

I wouldn't go higher because she is alreadt getting a stronger grow of her usual.body hairs.

But she loves how she feels and so she just.prefer to wax a.bit more frequently.

Clit is slightly enlarged but.i love it and she does as well. Sex is wild.

Took more then a month to start havinf any effect on the libido btw.

One more thing, her menstrual cycle wasnt imparied by test injwction. Only if she adds other steroids.like anavar anadrol turinabol.primo etc then.she lose her menstrual cycle.